5 Things To Know Before Starting Your Fitness Journey

Alright, we’ve all done it before- “I’ll start Monday and I’ll keep going this time around.” Then, about a month into the dreadful abyss of rice and chicken, we give up. That’s when the walk of shame to Dairy Queen triumphs and we eat our sorrows away. It happens to the best of us. After years of trial and error with countless attempts of beginning a healthy lifestyle, I’ve realized a few things that you should keep in mind to keep you motivated the next time you decide to embark on your next fitness journey.
1. It’s a Lifestyle, not a Diet
Regardless of what your goal is, it includes being healthy- that includes mentally. If you cut yourself off cold-turkey from what makes you happy, you’ll actually go insane and you’ll stop working out. If eating a cupcake every now and then will keep you from jumping off the Parking Garage roof, then go for it. Keep yourself happy so that you can keep yourself motivated, which will make you actually stick to your fitness journey long term. This is YOUR lifestyle, not some dreadful prison diet. Make it interesting!
2. Love What You Have While Working Towards What You Want
Think about it – your body has gotten you through so many years of life. So many sleepless nights, so many concerts, so many dances, so many sicknesses. Give it some credit! It has done amazing things for you, so looking in the mirror and hating it isn’t going to solve anything. Own that body, hit the gym, nourish it with good food, and make it stronger! If you don’t love yourself now, how do you ever expect to love yourself? It takes hard work at first, but if you love your body and treat it right, it will love you back.
3. What Works for Other People may not be What Works for You
You’ve heard this before and you’ll hear it again – there is NO magic pill, tea, or waist trainer. The only thing that will change you physically is PHYSICAL WORK! That being said, it is important to be open minded towards new workouts, because doing the same ones can get boring at times. While someone else may benefit from yoga, you might enjoy kickboxing or cardio. Don’t be afraid to change it up every now and then so you stay motivated! Run along Bayshore Blvd, take a jog to the dog park, or even relax with some morning yoga along the Riverwalk. Find what makes you happy and fit, and stick with it!
4. If You’re Worried About People Judging You, Read This
Psst! I’m going to let you in on a secret – people at the gym DO NOT care what other people look like or what work out they are doing! People at the gym are there for one thing and one thing only: themselves. So, next time you’re at the gym, just remember that everyone is there for the same reason, so it’s okay to do crazy work outs and wear your best outfits, as long as they keep you motivated. Hey, maybe you’ll even inspire other people in the process. And if the day ever does come where you find someone judging you, that’s not your problem. You can’t please everyone, so why try? Do your thing and let your success do the talking.
5. There will be Highs and Lows…Lots of Them
Not every fitness guru always feels strong and lean, not every beauty guru always feels beautiful and flawless, and not everyone can always feel motivated and energetic. As a human, it is important to remember that things happen- setbacks happen. Sometimes, you may have to take a few days off or even a few weeks off in order to get yourself back on track again so that you’re better and more focused than ever. Life gets in the way sometimes, just remember not to let those days or weeks turn into months or years. There is no straight shot to achieving your goal, but there is perseverance and discipline that will get you through all the challenges along the way.
Let us know what you think about YOUR fitness journey in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com
Hey guys! I'm Angelina. I'm a freshman Entrepreneurship major at The University of Tampa. I grew up in a beach town in New Jersey, so I love going to the beach. I'm also a fan of adventuring, traveling, and taking lots of pictures. I plan on studying abroad and immersing myself in the many different cultures the world has to offer. I love fitness and travel, so that's what a majority of my articles will be about. Hope you enjoy!