10 Things To Know About Eating Disorders

People hear about eating disorders everywhere: on television, in the media, and from
personal experience. Many people tend to believe specific things they think are true
about these disorders, but they are quite wrong. As someone who has battled an eating
disorder, I will tell you 10 things to know about eating disorders.
1. They are NOT just about food.
Many people tend to believe eating disorders are all about people not eating, but they
are mistaken. First of all, many eating disorders involve eating and the mental burdens
that come along with it.
2. People can have more than one eating disorder.
Most people believe there are only three: anorexia, purging, and binging, but they are
quite wrong. In treatment, I met many girls who struggled with both anorexia and
binging, including myself. You cannot assume someone just struggles with one.
3. People who struggle with eating disorders are not always stick thin.
Many people who have these eating disorders do not look “sick,” or “too skinny.” So
PLEASE do not look at someone who is not stick thin and assume they are okay; they
are not. And do not assume someone who is stick thin does have one; everyone’s
bodies are different and some people are naturally thin.
4. Eating disorders bring about other traits.
Lying, sneaking around, having anxiety, being uptight, and having type A personality are
some of the traits I have found come along with an eating disorder. Lying is common; I
had told many loved ones “I already ate,” or “I’m not hungry” just to avoid telling the
truth. Because no one wants to admit they have a problem.
5. They are NOT a choice.
I promise you, no one just wakes up and decides they would love to have a nice eating
disorder. They happen gradually, over time, without even noticing. Once again, no one
wants to admit they have developed an eating disorder. This is one of the most important things to know about eating disorders. You can’t just turn it on or off.
6. Comments/jokes can be triggering.
Sorry to break it to you, but nothing’s funny about joking about the way a person looks
or eats. I will never forget some of the comments made to me over time. Telling the
waiter or waitress, “Oh, trust me she won’t be eating.” Or simply telling the person they
need to “eat a burger,” can be really triggering, and it will not cure them of their eating
7. They affect men too.
For some odd reason, people only think young teenage girls suffer from eating
disorders, but that’s just not the case. Men suffer, adults suffer, anyone can suffer. Get
that idea in your head.
8. People who suffer do not see themselves the way others do.
Most of the time, they will view themselves as worthless and unhappy with the way they
look. I used to look in the mirror and be disgusted with what I was seeing, almost like I
had body dysmorphic disorder. But, looking back on the pictures, I was completely
blinded by what I had looked like.
9. They run in the family.
Seriously, they do! Growing up with a family member who had/has an eating disorder
makes it more likely for you to develop one. There’s a whole lot of science behind it, but
it’s mainly based on genetics, and can partially be due to specific eating behaviors your
family members carry.
It’s hard. It’s one of the hardest things I have ever experienced, and I would not wish
these disorders upon anyone. They ruin your life, your relationships, and your
happiness. But if I could recover, I believe everyone has the strength to do so too. It’s a
long process, but you will thank yourself in the end. Eating disorders are not a phase
and don’t just go away on their own. These are just a few things to know about eating disorders.
SIDE NOTES: Please, just stop with the punchlines. If you know someone who has one,
please understand what they are going through and that it’s not their choice. I highly
recommend using the National Eating Disorder Association’s website if you have any
questions. They really helped me find the perfect treatment center, and I hope no one
ever has to go through what I and millions of others had to go through. Life is too short.
What do you think are some things to know about eating disorders? Let us know in the comments below.
Featured image source: weheartit.com

Hey guys I'm Saige, and I'm currently a student at the University of Maryland. I'm actually a business major, so I'm not really sure why I write these articles. But, I'd say they're pretty good for a business major!