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15 Things To Keep You Occupied While Stuck In Quarantine

15 Things To Keep You Occupied While Stuck In Quarantine

We should prepare ourselves to be stuck in quarantine for the future. There is a lot you can do at home that will keep you occupied. Although quarantine isn’t really all that fun there are a lot of ways to turn a bad situation into a good one.

1. Makeup

While you are stuck in quarantine why not pick up some new makeup skills. There are so many different kinds of makeup looks you can do from home. Use some makeup that you haven’t touched in a while or never even got to use and just play around with it. You can come up with some fun and creative looks with just your makeup at home.

2. Painting

Why not learn something new. Order a canvas, brushes, and some paints and just go to town on a canvas. Paint everything your feelings and have a canvas full of color and vibrancy. You could also plan out a painting to paint something you imagined. The possibilities are endless especially when it comes to creating a masterpiece. There is never enough paint when it comes to painting.


3. Journaling

What we are all experiencing is something historic that may not happen again in our lifetimes. Why not journal it! Create a journal of all that you are feeling and the emotions you want to share with the future. Your future self is going to love reading about all that’s going on for you in quarantine. You could also pick up a form of journaling called bullet journaling where you can create fun designs for your journals.

4. Short Stories

Sometimes we want to find ways for our minds to escape. Why not create your own place to go away. Start writing short stories of places you want to visit or would love to go back and visit. It’s good to keep our minds stimulated especially when we are so used to doing the same monotonous things every day. You have to find new ways for your mind to exercise.

5. Reading

Another great way to exercise your mind in quarantine is by reading. Find a book that is going to take you on a faraway journey away from all your negativity at home. You’ll find that reading is a great way to give your mind some food thoughts while it tries to cope with the world around it. Therefore reading is a wonderful way to get your brain cogs moving and keeping you creative, mentally active, and motivated.


6. Exercise

Not everyone is up for doing some exercise while they are stuck at home. It is always a good thing to keep your body healthy when it is going through such a stressful process as quarantine. You can find some really good exercises online that are easy to follow. They will keep your body in good shape and also help with your mental health.

7. Cooking

If you’re already gonna be stuck at home and don’t want to have to eat fast food every day then why not learn how to cook? There are really easy meals you can learn to cook at home. There are also services that give you meals to cook every day for a week so you can follow along with those and keep a steady healthy food intake.

8. Baking

Another thing people have been picking up while in quarantine is baking. Baking is super fun cause you get to make really good sweet treats or some food essentials like bread. The most popular thing to make at home at the moment is bread. It’s so satisfying to create bread that you made all by yourself from scratch and even more satisfying to eat it.


9. Letters

Are you missing all your loved ones while stuck inside? Why not write them some nice letters. Letters are a sweet way to show someone you’ve been thinking about them. Since they are a dead form of writing it’ll feel extra special to receive real mail from someone that you are missing. Give it a try and watch your friend’s reactions when they open a handwritten letter made with love by you.

10. Plant

Why not bring a new life into your quarantined home? Plants are a fun way to give you something to take care of. They offer a sense of responsibility. You are now given this little plant life that you have to nurture and take care of. You’re going to love feeling like a new plant parent taking care of your little plant baby.

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11. Skincare

In a situation like quarantine, you’ll find that you don’t really find the time to take care of yourself. You think that you have all the time in the world and then suddenly your skin starts breaking out and you don’t know why.  Try out a proper skincare routine so that your skin can feel rejuvenated and fresh every day while you are stuck in quarantine.

12. House Purging

Now it’s time to Marie Kondo your home. Take some time to go through everything you own and start getting rid of what you don’t need. This means your cabinets and closets. You probably have so many old clothes that either don’t fit or you just don’t like them anymore. Get rid of them! You could donate them to a thrift store so that they can go to a nice home where someone else can love them like you did.

13. Deep Clean

When was the last time you fully cleaned your house? Grab your vacuum and duster and go through your home and start cleaning. You’ll find there’s a lot of extra dust in your house that you didn’t even know was there. It’s better to have a cleaner mostly dust-free home because it gives you fewer opportunities to get sick.


14. Self-Love

Practicing self-love at home is a great way to keep your mental health in check. Try some daily positive affirmations that are going to keep you happy and healthy. These are trying times and sometimes negative thoughts can get the better of us but if we practice self-love and find ways to keep ourselves happy then we can make it through this.

15. Call Everyone

Take the time to call all of your loved ones on the phone. Check up on the people that you care about in your life because they are missing you just as much as you’re missing them. A call from you is going to make their whole week because they are going to feel so loved by you and you will feel happy getting to speak to someone important to you. 

Which of these are you going to try while in quarantine? Let us know in the comments. Don’t forget to share with your friends and family so they can find things to do while in quarantine.