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Things To Invest In Once You Start Living Alone

Things To Invest In Once You Start Living Alone

Living alone can, for a lot of people, be a challenge. Let’s be real — your parents would usually help you with the most serious problems you’d faced when you lived with them.

In addition, it’s usually mostly the parents that would handle the house maintenance, the stocking-up-on-food, the bills, the taxes… The list goes on.

So, quite often, moving out ends up being a proper shocker. You need to call a lot of people you don’t really want to call; you can’t just walk up to your mom’s bedroom to ask what’s that herb that adds so much flavour to her imam bayildi; you also constantly run out of things, or don’t have the important things in the first place.


So, from my heart to your home — the things I’ve learnt to purchase to make my life easier after I’d moved out.


Seriously. Always have some meds ready — some painkillers, some cold medicine, some allergy medicine if where you live allows for it. Have some sort of a first aid kit — some bandages, plasters, disinfectant, the list goes on.

As grim as this advice is, you really never know what might happen all of a sudden. It’s good to have things handy. Just in case.


Toilet paper

It’s so much cheaper to purchase a giant 16-roll bag of it — it will last you for a long, long time, and giant wholesale packages are genuinely just more cost-effective.

And there aren’t any people on this planet that don’t need toilet paper. Period.


Dry foods

Rice and other grains, pasta, oatmeal, dried fruits, salt, a bunch of different spices and seasonings and a lot of other long-lasting foods will go a long way.

Not only is the shelf-life of most of those practically eternal, they are also quite cheap to stock up on and, quite often, very easy to prepare deliciously.

These will save you when you’re low on food but too tired/sick to go buy something and/or cook something too complex; they’re way cheaper than take-out; they’re often very filling and nutritious; overall, they’re just really convenient.



I, myself, were surprised by just how often I’ve needed batteries out of the blue, but I really have.

A lot of cheap table/bedside lamps operate on those. A lot of items you’d use for entertainment operate on those. For loser diabetics like I am, glucose meters operate on those.


Purchase some batteries (not too many, because they do lose charge over time, so it’s really redundant) and put them in some kitchen drawer. You’ll thank yourself, at some point, for being the smart person that you were when you did.

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Candles, battery operated lights and similar

This one is simple.


What will you do if the lights suddenly go out? Praying and hoping won’t help too much. Some light source, however, that doesn’t operate from the central electricity, definitely will.

In addition, it will allow for some a) sick-ass selfies, b) atmospheric lighting if you were to want to have a DIY spa day!



You should definitely be incredibly careful with this stuff, and you should absolutely always read instructions and generally read up on what it can and cannot be used on/with, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t purchase it. It works wonders in toilets and bathrooms, and you only need a properly tiny amount for it to work.

You can also use bleach to remove particularly nasty stains from non-fragile, white clothing.

Just don’t forget to a) not mix it with other chemicals and b) rinse it off properly.


Have you moved out? What were the things that you discovered for yourself the hard way, like I did with candles and battery-operated lights? Share your stories (and tips!) with us in the comments below!

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