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5 Things To Expect During Your First Halloween In College

5 Things To Expect During Your First Halloween In College

Your first Halloween in college is always a memorable one. Here's what to expect for Halloween in college. Check out these college Halloween tips.

Christmas used to be my favorite holiday until I went to college. Now, Halloween dominates every other holiday! Halloween in college is a BIG improvement from Halloween in high school, yeah you still dress up in a costume but candy has been replaced with booze. Halloween is definitely the highlight of my social life in fall, and here’s why:


As far as costumes go, the more creative the better. Even if you decide to go as something basic like a cop, you’re still putting a lot of effort into your costume. Guys grow their mustaches and beards for weeks to make their outfits, a classic handle bar mustache or an 80’s porn ‘stache, is like the cherry on top of the perfect cop costume.  Girls get even more creative than boys, obviously. Last year I was a snowflake, I love snow so much, I became it!


Halloween in college is multiple days long, which calls for multiple costumes. In high school, Halloween was practically ruined if it fell on any other day than Friday or Saturday, but in college it doesn’t really matter what day Halloween falls on. You can still rage all night because you either don’t have class the next day or you have the freedom to skip class. This year Halloween is on a Tuesday, which means the partying will begin the weekend before Tuesday so start planning your costumes.



It’s impossible to be bored during Halloween week. From frat parties to bar crawls, there’s always something going on. A different fraternity usually rents out a bar in the beginning of the week and throws a raging party. The local bars usually have drink specials or they team together for a bar crawl.

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Be smart

Ladies, walking home alone while dressed in costume half naked and intoxicated is not a smart idea.  If you don’t already have the app Uber, download it. Uber is super cheap and you can split the fare cost with up to 4 friends. Spend the extra money to ensure you get home safe. This goes for guys as well, take an Uber, Lyft, Taxi, pledge ride or whatever you can do make sure you get home safe.


The aftermath

Before any night out, I prep my room for when I wake up the morning after. I keep a bottle of water and Advil next to my bed so upon waking, I can chug a bottle of water and pop Advil to cure my hangover.

Let us know what you think about what to expect during your first Halloween in college in the comments below!
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