Categories: College Life

5 Things To Do Your Freshman Year That Will Make The Rest Of College Easier

Your freshman year of college can be a confusing, overwhelming but exciting time. You can start fresh and completely reinvent yourself or figure out who you are, and how to handle a major change like transitioning from high school to college.  Whatever you decide to do or whoever you decide to be it affects the years to come. You can blow off class which won’t help you graduate in time, you can stay in your dorm room and not get involved one campus which will make it harder for you to make friends or you can do the opposite.

You can be involved on campus and attend your classes and have the best time at college. College goes by quickly so whatever you decide to do make sure it’s something that will make you happy. Here are five things to do your freshman year that will make the rest of college easier!

1. Join Organizations/ Clubs

Joining clubs during your freshman year of college will help you meet new people, learn more about your campus and teach you time management skills. Set a goal for yourself to join one new organization every year. You’ll never be bored and it will keep you from being lazy since clubs still have meeting times and activities that they do. This is also a great resume booster, and you can meet people who can help you land a job after graduation.

2. Set Goals For Yourself

Before the start of every year make a list of goals you want to achieve. You can break this up into semesters as well that way you are improving every semester. For example, a goal you could set our for yourself is to make Dean’s List for that semester or for the entire year. This will ensure that you don’t lose sight of what you are working towards and help you stay on track.

3. Learn How To Manage Your Time

An important tip not just for your freshman year but for life beyond college. Learn how to manage your time and you’ll feel less stressed. Prioritize your studies and excelling in your classes and the rest can come after. This will especially help you when you have upcoming projects, or have to get a job. Learning these skills now will help you in the long run.

See Also

4. Get To Know Your Campus

Your freshman year of college is hard enough without you being lost and unable to find your classes or a certain department. Set aside time to walk around your campus and explore buildings, that way you won’t get lost and you’ll be able to give other freshmen directions. Memorize where your department is, what certain rooms in buildings you can print for free, and where the IT department is so that you know where to go when you need to fix your computer or download a specific program.

5. Say Yes More

Don’t say yes to drugs and underage drinking but say yes to joining a new organization, volunteering for events, or having dinner with your roommate. You never know where it will all lead you but you must put in the effort in order to get the experience you want. College has so much to offer and your freshman year is the time to explore it all. Take every opportunity it has to offer you!

What are 5 things you did your freshman year to make the rest of college easier? Comment them below!

Featured Image Source:
Qamiljana Rrapo

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