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10 Things To Do This Summer If You’re Not A Beach Person

10 Things To Do This Summer If You’re Not A Beach Person

Summer is here, and all of your friends are flocking to the beach. But what if you're not into all that sand, surf and sun? We've compiled a list of ideas for things to do this summer that don't include getting sand where it shouldn't go.

When summertime comes around, there are plenty of activities on your bucket list that you hope to achieve before the first leaf falls. Many people opt to go to the beach, but it’s not always everyone’s first choice. If you’re not a beach lover like everyone else, don’t feel like you’re limited for things to do this summer. Here are a few activities you can add to your bucket list and have one of your best summers ever!

1) Go to Your Local Farmers Market

One of the best things you can do when it comes to your groceries is to buy locally. Before you go, plan your dinners for the next few days and wander around to see what kind of fresh fruit and other produce they may have.


2) Go on a Mini Road Trip

Grab a family member or your best friend and hit the road for a day or two. Journey out to a park or a museum or to a fabulous restaurant. You don’t need any specific reason, just put together an amazing playlist and drive!

3) Check to See What’s Going on in Your Town

Usually summers are the best time to check out local activities. Go online and see what kind of fairs, festivals or free concerts going on in your area.


4) Go Berry Picking

Why go buy all your favorite fruit when you can hunt for it? Find a local farm that allows people to go into the field and get their own and start picking!


5) Go to a Drive-In

One of the greatest summer pastimes is to go to a local drive in. Some do special theme-night and play classic movies or you can go see new releases. Bring some blankets, pillows and your favorite snack and enjoy a night out.

6) Go Star Gazing

This activity only requires your eyes. Drove out to a wide-open area with very little light so you can see the stars. Bring along a friend and see if you can spot some of the major constellations or just sit back, relax and gaze.


7) Go to an Outdoor Flea Market

It’s true what they say, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Go to an outdoor flea market and rummage through antiques, vintage trinkets, old vinyl or classic literature. You never truly know what you may find with this idea (which is also one of the most frugal things to do this summer!).

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8) Go Wild Flower Hunting

Go beyond the backroads and roam the open fields. Dive into the tall grass and find daisies, lilacs or sunflowers to bring back home to liven up your bedroom or to place on the vanity of your bathroom. A bonus: it also doubles as a photo opportunity for an amazing Instagram photo.


9) Throw and Outdoor Tie Dye Party

Invite your friends and have them bring an old white tee or a graphic tee that could use some fixing up. Have different stations with directions for every kind of tie dye design you can find on the internet. Be prepared with all the colors of the rainbow, rubber bands and latex gloves.

10) Go Camping in Your Backyard

Set up a tent, fairy lights and an absurd number of pillows and blankets. Make it an outdoor party or an intimate gathering. Be prepared with perfect outdoor snacks and possibly bug repellent.


Do you have a great idea for things to do this summer that don’t involve the beach? Let us know in the comment section!