10 Things To Do If You’re Stuck On Campus During Winter Break

Winter break is that glorious time of year where college students across the nation hibernate for two to three weeks. There is no homework, or stressful exams to study for until 2:00 a.m, just lots of sleep and food! As everyone leaves campus to return home, you may not be able to for whatever reason. But if you’re stuck on campus this winter break, don’t get bummed out! Here are 10 things to do if you’re stuck on campus during winter break!
1. Take advantage of the empty res halls!
Most likely you will be one of the only people in your residence hall, meaning you can play loud music without your annoying neighbors telling you to turn it down!
2. Decorate your hall floor!
We all know how boring or plain res halls can be, so surprise everybody and pass the time by decking the halls! (get it)
3. Get used to the empty lounge!
No more fighting over the t.v, or space on the couch (no matter how uncomfortable.) You get the whole lounge to yourself, enjoy it!
4. Invite the other leftover students to hang out!
There’s always room to make new friends! Have them over for a movie night, or a small kickback. No one wants to be alone around the holidays!
5. Learn to cook!
Live off top ramen and macaroni and cheese no more! Find some fun and easy healthy recipes to combat the freshman fifteen. Who else is going to use the kitchen in the lounge?
6. Skype and facetime your family as much as possible!
Being away from your family and friends can suck sometimes! Make sure they know you love them by keeping in touch.
7. Get a job!
Lots of places hire for the holiday season, ESPECIALLY RETAIL! This means making some extra cash so you can save up to go to Florida and party over spring break.
8. Explore the town or nearby cities!
Find some awesome and affordable restaurants and bring your camera and take some #instaworthy photos!
9. Volunteer!
Most schools require some volunteer hours, so might as well knock some out over winter break! Volunteer at your local homeless shelter or pet rescue center. Better yourself and your community all in one!
10. Find an internship!
College is all about finding yourself and figuring out what you want to do with your life, no better way to get experience than an internship! This will also look great on a resume and most likely you need it as a graduation requirement.
Featured photo source: weheartit.com and tumblr.com

Just a Communications student with a love of writing living in the bay area, on a caffeine high