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10 Things To Do In NYC You Still Haven’t Done Yet

10 Things To Do In NYC You Still Haven’t Done Yet

These things to do in NYC are some of the best things that even locals may not have done yet! We've broken down the best for you!

Living in NYC is constant. Constant outings, constant events, constant dinners. You know your way around easily and you probably think you’ve been everywhere. Well, as New Yorkers I think we tend to miss out on the little gems that we forget are even around! Here’s some things to do in NYC you might not have done yet although you’ve lived here for years. Also, lets keep in mind, that while some of these you may have done, some you might not have!

Rockefeller Center

Ever shopped here? If you spend a lot of time in the outer boroughs around Manhattan, you might not have been to this luxurious, pricey, and authentic place in NYC. It’s the heart of our City’s shopping district and definitely a thing to do in NYC if you’ve lived here long enough. At least a walk around the Rockefeller Center is required for a true New Yorker.


Little Italy

Little Italy used to be a heavily cultured Italian part of Lower NYC. Now-a-days there’re only a few authentic spots, but they’re still around and you can still enjoy them. Shops, restaurants, and services all inspired by the culture of Italy. Check out this Little Italy site to find out more about what there is to do here. This is one of the best things to do in NYC.

Trump Tower

The Trump Tower is a 664 foot high tower in Midtown Manhattan. This is a spot for the high rollers and entering may not be your wish, however, you could at least stand outside it and get a decent touristy pic. Have you lived here for years and never seen the Trump Tower? Well now’s probably the best time. This is definitely a thing to do in NYC.


Rikers Island

I’m sure most people haven’t been here, most likely because you try to stay out of it! Either way, it’s a place in NYC.  If you didn’t know, Rikers Island is the island that holds NYC’s main jail complex. It’s located right in the middle of the boroughs. I don’t if this is a thing to do in NYC, so much as it’s just something you show know is here…

Staten Island Ferry

Ever rode the Staten Island Ferry from the City to Staten Island and back again? If not you should. It’s a great ride and sight. I think this is something that most New Yorkers forget to take advantage of. The ferry’s been around since forever just like us New Yorkers, and there’re still some people who can’t say they’ve been on it!


Wall Street

Take a walk on wall street. This is where all the big money makers dwell. Where the economy of our city is held up. This is definitely a place every New Yorker should have visited at least once. Take a pic in front of the massive bull and definitely post it.


Penn Station

No, I’m not referring to the sandwich place. I’m referring to New York’s most mature railway station. The Amtrak has been around since 1974, and even before then. This is overlooked by many New Yorkers, especially if they never use it, as we’re accustomed to taking the MTA, driving, or biking. It’s definitely an awesome thing to do in NYC and something everyone should have checked out at least once. This is one of the best things to do in NYC.

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 Central Park

Ever been in Central Park? I mean like IN Central Park; where all the cool events are going down. If you’ve read Manhattan Hunt Club or watched Home Alone 2: Lost in New York than you probably have a bad perception of the place, but it’s actually a really huge part of the City. Everyone should’ve visited an event in this park at least once in their life. This is definitely a thing to do in NYC!

St. Patrick’s Cathedral

If you’re going to go to Mass, make it epic by attending the St. Patricks Cathedral in Midtown NYC. I’m sure everyone has traveled past this ancient religious relic at least once, but how many of you can say you’ve sat in a confession booth here? This is probably one of the things you still haven’t done in NYC although you’ve lived here for years!


Apollo Theater

You’re not an official theater geek until you’ve been to this monumental arena in Harlem. It’s showtime at the Apollo! I’ve always wanted to say that. No, seriously, this is probably something you have never done in NYC. This thing to do has been around since 1914. If you haven’t been, that’s more than a century of missed opportunities!


There’s an abundance of history, activities, and things to do in NYC. You’ve got to really dig to find the gems here! Let us know in the comments what awesome things you’ve done that you think most people haven’t.

What are your favorite things to do in NYC? Tell us in the comments!
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