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10 Things To Do Before Transferring Schools

10 Things To Do Before Transferring Schools

In our lives, there will always be a part where we’ll need to transfer schools. It’s a big change in our lives because we have a lot of adjustments to do and it’s gonna be hard to leave your school, especially if you’ve been there for so long. Before you decide, you need to to check out these things to do before transferring schools!

1. Make Sure Of Your Decision

You have to make sure that you’re gonna stay. I’m sure you don’t want to transfer to another school and regret what you did. You have a lot of factors to consider like the location of your school, the tuition fees and the size of the school or class.

2. Get To Know The School

Visit the school or check its website! Never hesitate to ask questions about it because it is always better to know where you are going. This should be top on your things to do before transferring schools list!


3. Prepare Your Requirements

Of course! You need to complete your requirements to get in to your next school. Make a checklist so you won’t forget anything.

4. Look For A Dorm or Apartment

If the school you are going to is far from your home, you should look for a place to live in like an apartment or a dormitory. It is better to look for one earlier so you can have a lot of time to pick the best, and like the school, there are factors you have to consider like how far it is from the school or how much it costs. You will also need to buy things for the place, so always make a checklist so you won’t forget anything.



5.  Get To Know The Places Around The School

You don’t want to get lost, do you? You should get to know the nearest stores, hospitals, police station and restaurants because you don’t know when you will need to go to those places especially in emergency cases and you will always need to buy groceries and school supplies. Get a map of the place or save it on your phone. This is one of the most important things to do before transferring schools!

6. Always Prepare Yourself

Yes! You should always prepare yourself for whatever kinds of people you will meet. It is a new place, there will always be new people. New and different kinds of people with different attitudes and you don’t know how they will treat you. Maybe they will treat you the same way your schoolmates did or it could be different from what you’re used to.

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7. Make Money!

Basically, we need to make money so we can buy what we need. There will always be a need to buy things like clothes, uniforms and food. You will also need to pay for your bills and most of all, the tuition fees.

8. Bond With Your Friends

You need to spend time with your besties. I’m 100% sure you’re gonna miss them when you won’t be able to see them as often as when you were still at the same school. Go to your favorite coffee shop, your favorite restaurant or just watch a movie at your house and grab some pizza. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you’re together.

9. Take Pictures With Your School

Who wouldn’t want to keep pictures? Pictures are memories! It is a must to take pictures with the school. You need to take at least one as a remembrance. Because I know, one of the best moments in our lives happened in that school. You might not want to forget about it!


10. Make Friends With People From Your Future School

You should make at least one friend – someone you can ask about the school and someone you can hang out with. And like John Donne said, “No man is an island”. You will always need a friend!

Transferring schools is hard because it is one of the big changes in our lives. But I know, like every other changes that happened in our life, we can deal with it. Let us know some of your things to do before transferring schools in the comments below!
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