10 Things To Do Before Sex That You And Your Partner Will Love

You ever get to that point with a person where you know you’re ready to just drop all boundaries? Your feelings are kicking, you’re lady or guy parts are throbbing and there’s no reason for you NOT to do anything. At that point, you’re probably ready to get going, but you know, there’re some things you can do before sex that will really build sexual feelings. And the more tension you build, the more you’ll have to let off. The more sexual energy and steamy emotions between you, the harder you go at it and the better the finish. In this article, I’m going to tell you 10 hot, intimate, and sensual things to do before sex that your partner will love.
Playful Warmup
If you’re comfortable enough to be naked together, it shouldn’t be hard to explore a bit before sex, right? Touch each other in every sensitive place you can think of. You can even linger a little bit longer on some, creating a sort of preview of what’s to come. Use your hands for what you’ll be using those intimate parts for later. Caress each other and build the urge to take it further, but don’t finish with this play. Save the ending for after you get the real party going and it shouldn’t be long after.
Sensual Shower
Don’t confuse this for sex in the shower. Remember this is a warm up to do before sex. If you want to get in the mood, try offering to wash up together. The idea is not to scrub though, it’s to turn each other on. You can start from the head and play with your partner’s hair, rubbing it lovingly with water or lathering it up with some fragrant soap. Now, this might sound odd but, wash each other. Even in the tickly spots like under the arms. Laughs are a hormone kicker as well. But focus on sensual rubbing of the entire body, using soap so your hands slide easily. Kissing in the shower is definitely a go too and one of the best things to do before sex.
Talking Dirty
Dirty talk doesn’t always have to be dirty in a lusty sense. There’re things you can say that provoke interactions and get your blood flowing. Say you’re in position and almost ready to go–laying on a bed, or on a sofa. Once the feelings are clear, you can talk about what you want to do to. “You’re lips are so sexy. I always get the urge to taste them,” or “You know sometimes when I look at you, all I think about is what I wanna do to you,” or, “Can I touch you here?” Saying these things out loud before sex has even started, promotes physically acting them out…which’ll build sensation that will guarantee a nice finish.
Oral Play
This can either be your thing or not. Some are into it and some find it out of their jurisdiction. Either way, it’s most definitely a before sex warm up. You can start oral pleasure anyway you like. Jumping right into it, or, a slow start tasting every part of their body until you reach that part. This is no new subject here, everyone knows how arousing and personal it is. Once you start this, you’re guaranteed an awesome finish no matter which position you switch to. This is one of the best things to do before sex!
X-Rated Films
Some people find that watching porn can be awkward or gross, but it’s actually good to do before sex. Especially if you’re watching something you’re into, like red heads, girl on girl, busty, or extra large parts. If you know what your partner’s into you can put on a film while you’re enjoying each others company and either playfully learn together, doing what you see, or just fondle around a bit while you’re watching it. Turn it off if it’s not needed anymore or just ignore it and get going.
Fruit Romance
The romancing type will take extra steps to set the mood before sex and spend more time warming up. Eating fresh fruits off of you or with you. They’ll arouse you with pleasures you probably think are cliché or corny, like feeding the fruit to you whilst you’re already having sex. You may start out laughing and giggling, but this is really stimulating and builds a decent amount of passion.
Lady/Man Jams
No matter what you’re in the mood for, there’s always a playlist of songs that will get you going. Slow and emotional. Outspoken and dirty. Listening to your jams before sex and during makes an epic hook up. Just make sure you’re using an ad-free application because those interruptions won’t help. A good selector will make sure the music keeps tempo throughout so you have a steady rhythm to move to.
Put On A Show
Time to play dress-up. Put on something sexy or a guise and do a dance for your S.O. This goes hand-in-hand with your Lady/Man Jams. Play something good, don’t be afraid to touch, and make it a lap dance in the end. Rub that thang all over them until they can’t stand it anymore. This is one of the best things to do before sex!
This one is for the digital agers and the on-the-go-ers. Sexting whilst you’re apart get’s you suited up for when you’re together. It doesn’t have to be entirely virtual though. The sexting I’m talking about happens just before you meet up. You can casually shoot someone a message when they’re on their way to you and excite them before they arrive. I suggest something like “Hey are you almost here? I’ve been thinking about you all day and I can’t wait any longer. I need you.” Four play at it’s best.
Public Places
If you’re an outdoorsy person who knows all the best quiet but public spots to hook up at, then all you really need to get started is a make-out session on a beach (or wherever you happen to be). Nothing turns up the heat like turning yourselves on whilst not caring what anyone else thinks about it. The thought of sneaking off to your favorite spot should be arousing enough as well. Don’t be gentle with the kissing. The idea is to get ready to sweat before the quick work-out.