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10 Things To Do At Midnight If You Don’t Have Anyone To Kiss

10 Things To Do At Midnight If You Don’t Have Anyone To Kiss

If you don’t have anyone to kiss at midnight, you’re not alone. Trust me, I’ve been there many times. Here are 10 things to do at midnight if you don’t have anyone to kiss. Real quick though, before I jump into the list, please remember your value and self-worth is not in a kiss at midnight. If no one wants to kiss you, that’s their loss. You are wonderful and valued even if you didn’t score a midnight kiss! With that in mind, here are 10 things to do at midnight if you don’t have anyone to kiss.

1. Watch your favorite show

This is for those of you who love a night in. Put on your comfy pajamas, get cozy in your bed or on your couch, and turn on your favorite show or the one you’ve been watching recently. This will make you feel better if you were feeling down and you get to watch something you enjoy. If they’re available, invite your bestie over and watch the show together so you can talk about it and make new memories with your bestie!

2. Take another shot. Or your first one.

Lonely night calls for drinking away your feelings. If you’ve already been drinking, say cheers to the new day and down another shot! Screw whoever didn’t want to kiss you, you’re too good for them anyway! In all seriousness, don’t let not getting a midnight kiss get to you, and remember you are wanted and loved! Also, don’t let alcohol become a coping mechanism. Drink safely and responsibly and remember to never resort to it when you’re feeling upset about anything.


3. Hang out with your besties

If you don’t want to be alone, gather up your friends that will also don’t have anyone to kiss tonight and hang out! You can all cheer each other up if you’re feeling down, and their company is always appreciated. You can spend the night in eating your favorite foods or go out and have a blast! It’s a good way to distract yourself and have fun with people you love.

4. Dance

Go out with some friends and dance the night away! Or stay inside and put on your favorite songs while dancing in your pajamas! Have fun with it! Break out some Christmas lights or a disco ball and turn your room into a dance floor! Dancing is a great way to release a lot of energy and have fun! Also, you’ll probably get endorphins running through your body, and they always make you feel good inside! Bust out your best moves and dance the night away.


5. Cook

Make your favorite meal to comfort you! You’ll have a fun time making the meal or dish and have something delicious to eat when you finish. To me, there are few things that are better than my home cooked favorite meal. It is a little late, but you were probably planning on staying up late anyway, so why not treat your tastebuds to a delicious dish.

6. Spa night in

Put on a nice hot bath, put on a face mask, and relax. Light some candles, put on relaxing music and chill. Paint your toes, file your nails, exfoliate your entire body. This is your night in, if you don’t have anyone to kiss, you don’t need no kiss to complete your night. This is you time and you’re going to use every second to relax and destress. Who needs a kiss when you can make yourself glow?


7. Movie and take out

Put on your favorite movie and order some takeout. You can invite friends over or be alone! Whatever floats your boat. Put on the movie you’ve seen 1000 times or put on the latest flick, order some pad thai or pizza or Chinese food and go to town on it while watching the movie. This is the ultimate me time thing you can do, and you’re going to live it up while not thinking about the fact you don’t have anyone to kiss. Oh, also, don’t put on a rom-com. That will only make you sad and that’s something we’re trying to avoid tonight. Unless the rom-com makes you laugh. Then put it on, otherwise avoid all romance tonight!

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8. Work out

Punch, run stretch and sweat your troubles away. Get the endorphins running through your body! Not only does working out make you feel good, if you do it enough after this night, the consistency will get you a smokin body (you looked fabulous before) and your confidence will shoot through the roof. This is also a good and productive way to distract you from the fact you don’t have anyone to kiss.

9. Sleep

Why stay up and think about the the fact you don’t have anyone to kiss? Sleep is wonderful and to be honest, I bet you’re not prioritizing it like you should. If you’re not out and about, hop in your warm, cozy bed and knock TF out! Get those extra couple hours of sleep and wake up feeling refreshed because unlike everyone else, you got a solid eight hours of sleep and feel great and are not hungover.

10. Dress-up

Put on your best outfit, style your hair, put on your makeup and make yourself look like a million bucks. Then take all the photos and let the world know what they’re missing out on because you’re hot af and it doesn’t matter that you don’t have anyone to kiss anyone at midnight. Although I do suggest avoiding social media, but if that’s what floats your boat, get on there and show the world what you’re working with!


Whether you got a kiss at midnight or not, don’t put your self-worth and value into that superficial thing. You are amazing and wonderful whether someone wanted to kiss you at midnight or not. If you didn’t have someone to kiss you, I hope you try doing one of these 10 things to do at midnight if you don’t have anyone to kiss! Let us know in the comments below if you tried any of these things or if you have another suggestion!

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