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15 Things To Do Around James Madison University When Youre Bored AF

15 Things To Do Around James Madison University When Youre Bored AF

Here are 15 suggestions for things to do around James Madison University when you're bored to tears and don't know what to do with yourself.

James Madison University is usually an exciting place with tons of stuff going on both on and off campus. But, inevitably, there will be times when you’ll find yourself feeling bored with what seems like way too much free time on your hands. Here are 15 suggestions for things to do around James Madison University when you’re bored to tears and don’t know what to do with yourself.

1. Take a walk around campus

JMU has a beautiful campus, so why not take it all in? Get up, burn some calories, and see how long it takes you to walk from East Campus to Memorial Hall (usually 30 minutes).

2. Spend some dining dollars

JMU has over 20 dining locations on campus, which serve some of the best college food in the nation. Get some friends together, use up some of those leftover punches that you likely have, and go crazy at an all you can eat dining hall, or at one of the many food courts on campus.


3. Sign up for a class at UREC

After eating your heart out, it may be a good idea to head to UREC in order to feel a little less guilty. There are a plethora of different sports and fitness classes offered for free to students, so take up kickboxing and learn to kick butt.


4. Sleep at the Festival nap nook

On the first floor of Festival, we have an amazing cave themed nap nook with some super comfy beanbags that usually contain sleepy students in them. If you can manage to snag a spot, then take a nice, long snooze and catch up on some much needed sleep.


5. Lay out on the Quad

The Quad is one of JMU’s most iconic locations, and on a beautiful day it is full of students who are getting their vitamin D. You can try and make new friends, or just sit out and get some fresh air, because being bored outside in the sun is way better than being bored inside.

6. Go and visit your professors at office hours

90% of the professors here are awesome people who want to help you succeed. You’re paying for them to teach you and hold office hours, so why not go and say hi? But do use this time wisely, as you don’t want your professor to be mad because you came in and just rambled about your boring day.

7. Cry it all out

College life can be tough, and if you have nothing better to do, maybe it would be a good idea to just have a crying session to let it all out. You can do it with or without friends, and afterwards you’ll probably feel a little better. And if you need some suggestions for good crying locations around campus, here are a few suggestions.


8. Go on a Netflix Binge

Pretty much every student at JMU (or their parents) pays at least $9 a month for a Netflix subscription, so put it to use and watch an entire TV series in one sitting. Just remember to eat, use the restroom, and interact with the real world every once in a while.

9. Admire nature at the arboretum

JMU has a beautiful arboretum that is home to many native and non-native plant and animal species. If you’re nerdy, you could try and identify all of these plants and animals. If not, just walk around and enjoy the scenery to pass the time.

10. Spend some time relaxing at the Oasis or Studio

If you’re feeling both bored and overwhelmed by life, the counseling center offers two amazing free spaces that have massage chairs, art supplies, and other resources to help your relax and unwind. You’ll be less bored and a little more relaxed, so this is a two-for-one deal.

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11. Take some epic selfies/pics around campus

There are plenty of beautiful locations and statues around campus that offer great photo opportunities. Haven’t gotten a picture with the Duke Dog yet? Go to Madison Union and snap a pic of you with the Duke Dog mannequin. Your family and friends back home won’t know that it isn’t the real deal.

12. Observe the ducks and geese at the retention ponds

The retention ponds on East Campus house some adorable ducks and geese, and watching them can be mildly entertaining if you like animals. Just don’t get too close or pester them, as you don’t want to risk being a victim of avian violence.



13. Explore downtown Harrisonburg

Hop in a car or take a bus that goes off campus and explore Harrisonburg with some friends. Downtown has some unique restaurants that offer awesome atmosphere and food. And if you’re over 21, there are a few nice bars as well.

14. Go take a hike

Harrisonburg is within close proximity to multiple state and national parks that offer an array of hiking trails. Remember to bring bug spray and your common sense so that you don’t get lost.


15. Go to the library and actually be productive

You know that there’s at least one assignment that you’ve been putting off until the last minute. Since you’re at the end of this article, now would be a good time to stop procrastinating and head to the library. That research paper/lab/group assignment won’t finish itself…

What are your favorite things to do around James Madison University when you’re bored AF? Share in the comments below!
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