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5 Things To Consider When Scheduling Classes At MSU

5 Things To Consider When Scheduling Classes At MSU

Are you nervous about course registration? Don't be! We have great tips and advice when it comes to choosing classes at MSU.

Getting ready for college and creating a schedule is definitely one of my favorite parts of college. It’s so exciting to schedule new classes and start a new semester. But one has to remember that creating the schedule is not only where the fun starts, but also where it ends most of the time. With a new semester comes a new schedule and routine for every part of life. Creating a better and more manageable school schedule helps to take the stress down a notch of starting a new semester. Somewhat. Keep reading for great tips when choosing your classes at MSU.

1. First Things First, I’m the Realest

To start off, let’s remember to not schedule too many classes. We all want to graduate on time, but graduation won’t get any closer if you keep failing classes. Though some semesters it’s necessary to take a heavier course load, but keeping a manageable schedule is important. You also have to take into account how much time outside of class you’ll be spending on all these classes and their homework, a job if you chose to have one, and whatever else life throws your way.

2. Take the Long Way Home

Depending on how big campus is pretty much determines how much time you’ll need to get from class to class. At a local community college, having only ten minutes between classes isn’t the end of the world, though it may mean that you have to pack a quick snack to eat on the way. But on a campus like Michigan State University, unless your classes are in the same building, it’s next to impossible to get anywhere in ten minutes. Pay close attention to which building your classes are in. You don’t want to end up going from the Natural Resources building to Berkey hall in just ten minutes.



3. 9 in the Afternoon

It wouldn’t be a bad generalization to say that most college kids aren’t morning people. So check on the times of your scheduled classes. Though you may not believe that 8:00 a.m. actually exists, colleges definitely do. And unless you’re extremely committed to waking up at least an hour before class starts, stick to a later time like a 9:10 a.m. or a 10:20 a.m. And if you do decide to sign up for those earlier classes, take into consideration where you’re coming from. If your dorm is in Brody neighborhood, having a 8:00 a.m. class in the Chem building towards the East side of campus isn’t the greatest idea. Especially if you’re in Spring semester. Not only is campus cold, but it’s also icy due to MSU’s lack of salting.

4. A Little Help Goes a Long Way

Something I learned right off the bat when it came to scheduling was that, I’m not as smart as I like to think I am sometimes. Scheduling class at a community college was much easier than scheduling class at an actual university. While making a tentative graduation plan, certain classes are only during certain semesters, and prerequisites are obviously a must. I couldn’t have put this puzzle together without the help of my academic advisor. Consider making an appointment with your advisor prior to scheduling, or making schedule changes. Having a relationship with your advisor is a very important part of one’s college career.

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5. I’m Late! I’m Late!

Lastly, the most basic thing of all. Make your schedule ON TIME! Waitlists aren’t fun, and overrides aren’t handed out like candy. Put it into your calendar when your set date is for scheduling. Not only will this ensure you get first pick on classes and times, but you’ll also get the class you want in a better location and professor.


Do you have any other tips when it comes to classes at MSU? Comment below!
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