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10 Things The First Two Years Of College Taught Me

10 Things The First Two Years Of College Taught Me

The first two years of college can be terrifying. But hey, at least there's extra time for binge-watching Netflix, right?

On the first day of junior year, there’s a feeling of accomplishment or the feeling that you’re the “big man on campus”. At least, that’s how my first day went. The first two years of college have taught me a lot. This is what I’ve learned:

1. Leave your dorm room early.

If you don’t want to be late to class, you need to calculate how long it’ll take you to get dressed and how far of a walk your class is from your dorm.


2. Join clubs and/or organizations.

When they say, “join stuff or else you’ll be lonely,” they actually mean it. Get involved. Your campus is bound to have something to tickle your fancy.

3. College goes by fast.

*Blink* Freshman year…*blink twice* junior year. Don’t take your time for granted.


4. Take advantage of the resources your campus has to offer.

This includes office hours with your professor, tutors, advisors, and peer mentors. These people are here to help us, let’s help them do their jobs!


5. Weight will unexpectedly be lost and/or gained.

Depending on if you gain the Freshman 15 or not, or if you stress eat (or not), you’ll most likely see multiple changes in your weight. It’s college.

6. There are more handouts than anticipated.

Remember those teachers we had throughout our school years that kept saying, “it won’t always be this easy” or “it won’t be like this next year.” Actually, the professors in college are pretty chill and they want to help you. They don’t want you to fail, but some of them will watch you drown.


7. There is a lot of time for binge-watching.

Throughout the semester, we may have 18 credit hours and a job but there’s still time for binge-watching. If not binge-watching, then there’s still time for Netflix and chill.

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8. Many opportunities to meet new people.

You won’t even realize how many people will remember you. But if you have any interaction with someone and you see them again later, boom, new friend.


9. Parking is not your friend.

Parking is a hassle on any college campus. When you need to be at work or class at 2 pm and you have to leave your house at 1 pm to successfully park close to your job or class, however, it’s a problem.

10. Take advantage of the free stuff.

There is always something going on, on campus which grants an opportunity to snag some free goodies. Whether it’s candy, a cool cup, a laundry bag, or a backpack, it’s still free!


What did the first two years of college teach you? Let us know down below!
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