
10 Things That’ll 100 Percent Happen To You At Indiana University

Over and over students at Indiana University find themselves bonding over similar situations during coffee, class or even at the club. From taking pictures of the overly friendly squirrels or blacking out in public, students can agree that all 10 of the items listed below are guaranteed to happen to you during your time at IU.

1. You’ll Find Yourself Taking Pictures of Squirrels

Not only are they overly friendly, but they are also VERY photogenic. There are hundreds of pictures of IU squirrels floating around the Internet, there is even a dedicated Instagram page! I can guarantee you’ll have one too once you come to IU.

2. You’ll Lose Your Crimson Card

The number of cards found around campus every day is actually quite ridiculous. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a freshman, senior or everything in-between, you WILL lose that card at least once. Best of luck finding it and don’t panic too hard.

3. You’ll Take a Picture in Front of the Sample Gates

Whether it’s pressure from your mom or a group of friends begging you, taking a picture in front of the famous gates will happen. Just accept it and put it on your Instagram, it’ll make your mom happy and look great too.

4.  You’ll (Almost) Get Hit by a Bus or Biker

Yes, the title is correct, you will almost get hit by a bus or biker pretty much on a daily basis. Don’t be surprised if you actually get hit either, (especially by the bikers, they’re ruthless).

5. You’ll Attend the Little 500 Race

If you don’t partake in race week did you really go to IU? The Little 5 race is known across the country as one of the biggest party weeks ever. People come from all over not only to see an awesome bike race, but also to get down in B-Town!

6. You’ll Witness A Blackout

It’s not uncommon to watch someone pass out from an extreme amount of alcohol in their system, especially at football and basketball games. We go hard here at IU, and you will watch someone get carried off after blacking out in public. Don’t worry though, they’ll be okay and have an awesome story to tell.

7. You’ll Slip on Ice… Multiple Times

Indiana University rarely cancels classes, even on the iciest of days. It may not be funny when it happens to you, but imagine seeing your professor busting their ass. It really does happen, which is sure to make for some bruised bums.

See Also

8. You’ll Get on the Wrong Bus and Be Late For Class

IU has several buses running all through the day every day. Bloomington Transit also travels around campus and it is inevitable that you will get on the wrong bus at least once. It will definitely be one of those fml moments but don’t sweat, it happens all the time.

9. You’ll Be Asked if You’re Rushing… 85,000 Times

Indiana is a huge Greek Life school, with 74 sororities and fraternities combined. EVERYONE will want to know if you’re rushing or what sorority/frat you’re in so be prepared. If your answer is “no” be sure to have a 10 minute response for “why” ready. You’ll need it.

10. You’ll Get Assigned Oasis

This one may or may not happen, but it’s pretty likely if they catch you drinking underage. It most definitely is not uncommon, and is also weirdly a great way to make friends when living in the dorms. Stories about receiving Oasis make for great ways to bond, and attending with your floor-mates is too.

What else always happens to you at Indiana University? Let us know in the comments!
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Emily Brosey

Sophomore at Indiana University-Bloomington and aspiring writer. Obsessed with makeup, dogs and the color pink.

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