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10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is an outstanding university in the USA. Find out `0 things that will happen to you when you attend University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Welcome to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! Or, rather, UIUC for short since saying the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a bit of a mouthful. Whether you are new to the marvelous atmosphere of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign or have been here for a while now, there are some things that have probably already happened or will happen on this magical campus. These ten things will probably either make you laugh, cry, both or just plain go into a bad trip down memory lane… Enjoy! 🙂

1. Being Misled By Google Maps On When The MTD Bus Comes

We’ve all been there. Google Maps says that the bus arrives in ten minutes, you only have a 3-minute walk to the bus stop so you leave to get there early but somehow the bus is pulling away as you walk to the bus stop or the bus actually arrives in twenty minutes… Unfortunately, teachers don’t seem to understand that, as students, we had the intention of being on time to class but the bus decided that ain’t happening. You’re innocent!

2. Running Into All The People You Don’t Want To Run Into

Seriously though… There are about 64,000 students on campus! Why is it that we are always running into people we don’t want to see? Whether it be an ex from high school or a bad ex-roommate you had or just that one creepy person from class that won’t leave you alone. Get on the 22N/S bus? There they are. Walk across the quad? OOOPS! You just bumped into them and have to create short, nice talk. This is the reason hoodies and dark glasses were invented!


3. All Nighters (Not always in the comfort of your own dorm/apartment)

I can 1000000% guarantee that you will do an all-nighter AT LEAST once or twice. The worse part, it may not always happen at the place of comfort. *insert small sob here* Thing is, you will most likely have these all-nighters at the Undergraduate Library (UGL), at Grainger, or at any other 24-hr open place on campus. Why? Because…. It’s just how it is… You always just seem to be up somewhere that is not your place of stay… SO! Always remember to pack that extra pillow and small blanket next time you’re planning on going somewhere late to do homework quickly because, most likely, you’ll be spending an all-nighter at that place and will want to take a 30-min power nap break.

4. Naps on the Quad

Ever dream of living that college experience sleeping on the quad like you see those handsome actors do in college movies? Well, you probably will! And you’ll probably regret it… You’ll think to yourself on a warm, sunny day with a 1-hr gap before your next class near the quad: “Hmm… What a nice, BEAUTIFUL day! I should take a little nap on the quad before my next class! Scratch that off my bucket list!”. It all sounds like a good idea, just like the movies, until it all goes wroooooooong. You wake up two and a half hours later with squirrels eating your lunch and stealing your keys to whatever. Your hair is all a mess and your breath smell and your computer is stolen.

5. Always Being Asked If You’re Part of A House

Every time you plan on going out, just get ready to get asked THE question: “What house are you a part of?”. Doesn’t matter where, doesn’t matter when, this question will be asked. Sometimes this will be asked BEFORE they ask what you’re name is! But, well, that’s what happens when you’re in a campus where Greek Life is the majority (I’m not part of any houses, in case y’all were wondering by the way).


6. You WILL Get Sick

It doesn’t matter how healthy you or your habits are, you will most definitely get sick. The campus houses more than 64,000 students so it is inevitable! Especially when you’re “squishing, squeezing and scrunching getting you down” (pre-class 2021 will understand). You will get sick, it will suck, and you will hate life almost as much as you will hate going to the McKillme— I mean, to the McKinley Health Center… Wonderful place… (R.I.P) However, think of this experience as you’re immune system just becoming stronger! You’ll be able to face many horrible germs after your 4-year study stay at UIUC.

7. The Preacher Man

Oh, yes. The spectacle of The Preacher Man on the quad! What a great way to start the mornings going to class by passing The Preacher Man rant on about how we have all sinned and are going to hell… You will most definitely see him often and you will take a video to show your friends back home of your morning journeys.

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ESU's party scene was voted by Barstool to be the most underrated in the country, so follow this guide so you can experience ESU's great parties firsthand!


8. The Sights of Green Street

Oh, the sights of Green St. at night during bar days or weekends. I remember seeing once a giant herd of people wearing banana suits running down the streets of Green St headed to Cly’s (it was a  Wine Night). *closes eyes in remembrance* Yes, you will see some pretty interesting sights when walking or driving downtown Green Street on those wonderful wine nights of Wine Night or Thirsty Thursday or in the weekends. But worry not! This is normal! The sights can range from drunks to ambulances to a herd of people wearing bananas. It’s all normal! Actually, the possibility that YOU will be one of these sights one fateful night is very high! So, enjoy life, sit back, and enjoy the sights or accept you’re the sight.

9. Bar Nights

As soon as you hit the 19s, I can guarantee you’ll have MANY bar nights and bar stories where you poled dance at Joe’s, got wine drunk at Cly’s, or fell off a table while dancing at Red Lion’s. Now, with Brother’s taking up the Thursday scene, stories of getting caught under-age drinking there will also spur memories! Yes, dancing, getting drinks spilled on, going to McDonald’s after the bar closes are ALL things that will surely happen and you’ll experience. Accept it, darling. The Bar-Life is coming.

10. Last But Certainly Not Least! Frat Parties

Keep in mind that University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has always stayed in the top 10 party schools in the Nation so, yes, you will most definitely hit a few apartment parties or frat parties here and there! You will wear your prettiest clothes, despite the cold and knowing some a**hole is probably going to spill their drink on you. For my boys, you will still also dress nice and have someone spill drinks on you, it happens! There will be drinking and throwing up and drunken sobbing in the corner and police busting parties and… I don’t know where I’m going with this… MEMORIES! Yes, you will create memories! Just remember to always be safe, go out in groups, have designated sobers, and be alert of your surroundings as possible! Trust me, trip to the ER because of alcohol poisoning is NOT fun (friend experienced, not me).


There are MANY more things that will most definitely happen to you at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , but “these are a few of my favorite things” 😉 Stay safe kittens! And enjoy the ride.

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