10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At West Virginia University

If you’re a student at West Virginia, you know there are certain things that are bound to happen on a daily basis. I can almost guarantee 110% these are things that will happen to you at West Virginia University…
1. You will fall down frat row at one point.
There is really no trick to get up or down this 12% gradient street. We have all been there. We’ve walked up the almost vertical North High Street hanging onto our friends, walking down backwards, and taking our time. When it comes to frat row, you will 100% take a tumble during your WVU experience.
2. You will get one of the best workouts of your life walking around campus.
Let’s be honest, are you really going to go to the rec later? Most likely, not. Take the stairs. (Don’t take that Brooks elevator!) Squeeze your booty walking up the hills! You’ll thank yourself later when you end up at Tailpipes for dinner.
3. You will end up at Lotsa Mozza or Casa D’Amici at the end of your night.
It’s going to happen. You will be so thankful you took the stairs earlier!
4. You will people watch the kids dancing in cages at Annex. Or be that kid dancing in the cage.
It must be done at least once or 10 times in Morgantown, it’s a great time.
5. You will take part in winter sports, on the streets. Yes, on the street.
Sledding, snowboarding, and even skiing occurs on the street “slopes” of North High Street, Price Street, Spruce Street, 3rd Street, etc. But be careful, because that brings us to.
6. You will potentially get tear gassed.
The safety of the students at WVU is taken into serious care by Morgantown Police and University Police. Maybe it is not the best option to flood the streets with kids and play loud music, especially on GAME DAY. Authorities will sometime take extreme measures to clear the area. Hey when are you ever going to experience the rush of running for your life like this again?! Sorry @Morgantown we like to have fun!
7. You will have the best St. Patrick’s Day(s) of your life.
Fact. There is; pre St. Patrick’s weekend, St. Patricks day week(end), & post St. Patrick’s Day weekend. All of your friends and kids you weren’t even friends with in high school are coming to visit you. There is nothing like it in Morgantown. (PSA: Car may have not been harmed in photo below.)
8. You will help that drunk girl who lost her friends.
We are (LET’S GO) MOUNTAINEERS! When you see that drunk girl that needs help in club, or is about to step in some pee in a frat basement, you help that girl. She needs you. Sometimes you are that girl.
9. You will never hear “Sweet Caroline” the same again. ~Eat sh!t Pitt~
#TRADITIONS! Next time you’re at a wedding you will find yourself getting some interesting looks when “bah bah bah” plays. There is no other exceptional lyrics than “eat shit Pitt.” There is no controlling what is coming out of your mouth.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A15NEtKKroQ]10. You will sing “Country Roads” at least 162 times a semester.
Are there any other things that will happen to you at West Virginia University on a daily basis? Comment below!
Featured photo source: twitter.com