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10 Things That Totally Suck At Oregon State University

10 Things That Totally Suck At Oregon State University

10 Things That Totally Suck At Oregon State University

If you’re a true Beav, you’ll relate. We all know OSU is the best school in the world, but there’s some things we all just can’t stand. Keep reading for 10 things that totally suck at Oregon State University!

1. The amount of rain.

You think you’ll get used it, but you won’t. The majority of the time it’s this annoying, very light drizzle. Do I need a hood, an umbrella, or nothing? You never really know.



2. Waiting in line for 30 minutes to get Panda Express.

We all try to tell ourselves it’s not worth it. It’s worth it. You deserve Panda, you need Panda, and imagine how triumphant you’ll feel when you finally can dive into a bowl of orange chicken after waiting in line for half an hour.


3. The stairs at LINC.

Self explanatory. Is it bad I’m completely out of breath? Or that I take the elevator?



4. Running from the people in the SEC.

Whatever they’re advertising, selling, or giving away, they are savages. Honestly, sometimes I’m scared to walk through the SEC because those people don’t give up until they get what they want. One minute you’re walking through to get to Dixon, and the next minute you find yourself signing up for email notifications from Oregon government representatives.

5. Greek Row

Greek Row is just weird. It’s technically on two streets, but then half of the frats and sororities are completely on the other end of campus. Girls, when you’re fratting, don’t wear heels. You’ll be walking a lot, and you’ll hate yourself if you do.



6. When you tell people you go to Oregon for school and they say, “Oh, U of O?

NOT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. If you’re a true Beav, even the mere mention of a Duck, or the sight of a green and yellow O sticker on the back of someone’s car will make you cringe.


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7. Walking home at night and an empty SafeRide passes you…and doesn’t stop.

We get it, you have a fixed schedule. But if you have no passengers, and we’re cold, soaking wet and it’s midnight, why can’t you stop.



8. When it’s pouring rain and you’re the only one who is using an umbrella.

I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t like to sit in class soaking wet. It’s still awkward, and everyone will ask you if you’re not from Oregon because Oregonians hate umbrellas.

9. The MU Couches

Trust me, I understand how cozy it is to curl up in front of the fire on one of the MU couches, but if you find yourself taking off your shoes, taking up a whole couch to yourself, and snoring, please stop. You’re doing it wrong, it’s rude, and everyone is grossed out by your bare feet on the public couches.

10. Everyone will ask you, “Do you know library girl?”

No, I don’t. Yes, I’ve watched the video because obviously I’m super curious.

What are some other things that totally suck at Oregon State University? Comment below!
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