10 Things That Suck At UNC Chapel Hill

UNC has some pretty shitty quirks. Check out the worst things about University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. These things are funny however.

Like every school, UNC has it’s downfalls. Here are 10 things that absolutely suck about UNC!


In North Carolina, you need to be 16 years old to be eligible for a driver’s license. To drive on the streets of Chapel Hill, one should have a PhD. Here are some common trends:

  • Drivers in Chapel Hill don’t usually follow traffic rules.
  • Pedestrians think it’s okay to jaywalk.
  • Most bikers are currently suffering from an identity crisis and consider themselves BOTH pedestrians and drivers.

2. Parking

There are about 5.4 parking spots for 4000 students on campus. It might be easier to find a needle in a haystack than to find parking at UNC.


3. Late night dining options on main campus

If you’re cramming for a test in Davis or the UL and get the late-night munchies, you might be out of luck. Lenoir closes at 8:30. Wendy’s is your only choice if you want any food before 1 a.m.

4. Professors=master chefs

Some UNC professors somehow manage to collaborate and create the best recipe for UNC students’ Hell-week.

5. Labs

Can somebody please explain how a one credit hour class demands 18 hours of work each week?


6. A 27 second long Fall Break

Happy Fall Break! It’s day one and break is already almost over.

7. Doomsday

Athletic events are like doomsday on campus; EVERYTHING shuts down. The gyms are closed, the busses don’t run and traffic makes it impossible for one to leave or come to campus. Also refer to item #2 about parking.

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8. Course Registration

Welcome to a real-life version of the Hunger Games. Good luck getting a schedule that doesn’t make you want to cry.

9. Tarheel Plague

If one person gets sick on campus, it’s only a matter of seconds before everyone is sick. Vitamin C tablets and campus health appointments become a luxury.

10. A roof over your head

It may be easier to plan a trip to Spain, than it is to plan for housing at UNC.

And there you have it! Don’t get me wrong, UNC is an absolutely amazing university, but it definitely has its undesirable quirks.
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com