10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At The University Of Iowa

There are so many things that happen to you at the University of Iowa on a daily basis. If you’re an Iowa student, you’ll definitely be able to relate!
1. It will start pouring when you’re walking to/from class and you won’t have an umbrella.
Iowa weather is dumb. It will go from freezing in the morning to 65 degrees by 1 then pouring by 5. Just do yourself a favor and always have an umbrella on you.
2. Be late to class thanks to kids trying to lure you to their student org on the T Anne Clearly walkway.
Just don’t walk through it if you are in any kind of rush. Worst times of the year: beginning of fall semester when everyone wants you to join their org, election time, anytime it’s nice outside.
3. Be asked to join or donate to dance marathon.
Being the 3rd biggest dance marathon in the nation, you’re pretty much in the minority if you aren’t in it. And if you aren’t, at least one of your friends is going to be trying to raise the $500 required to participate. I know you’re a broke college student but throw them a dollar, it’s for a good cause.
4. Get into summit using a fake of someone a different race and/or gender than you are.
Downtown Iowa City just doesn’t care. Summit especially. They’ll look at whatever excuse for an ID you’re using, tell you it’s an awful fake then send you back to get a wristband. It’s a beautiful process really.
5. Go too hard at tailgate and not make it to the 11 am game.
The famous Iowa saying is “we pregame harder than you party” and we truly take that to heart.
6. Have that night (or a handful of nights) that you refer to as “that night I died.”
Odds are you remember nothing from this night, you just woke up puking your brains out. Most likely happens at the beginning of your freshman year. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.
7. Have friends visit from another school and end up babysitting them.
Iowa City is just a whole other monster. Apparently, most places don’t pregame, then go downtown THEN go to a house party? Weird.
8. Cambus will fail you when you need it most, forcing you to walk across campus in pouring rain or snow.
Basically the only times its reliable are Monday-Friday, 8-5. Why? Couldn’t tell you. But need to get across campus before noon on a Sunday in the middle of winter? Looks like you SOL. Or, you’ll try to conveniently place yourself in a spot to get hit by the campus for free tuition, and they just refuse to hit you. How inconsiderate.
9. Barely pass Gen Chem.
And when/if you do pass, it will permanently scar your GPA and make you heavily regret not having one of the very few majors that don’t require gen chem. But it’s ok. There are about 500 other kids struggling right there with you.
10. Want to cry while walking up the hill from Madison St to Clinton St.
You’d think you get use to it a few days or weeks into your first semester here. Think again. You thought Iowa was flat. Jokes on you.