10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At The University of New Hampshire

Despite the wide array and variety of possible experiences to be had at UNH, there are some truths you just can’t avoid. That is to say, there are some experiences that we all share here, whether or not they are welcome. Keep reading for 10 things that happen at the University of New Hampshire.
1. Gaining the Freshman 15 (at least).
UNH has some of the highest ranked college-dining-hall food in the country. That includes taste, which can lead to overeating. To add to this arrangement there are also food trucks, food shops, and vending machines scattered over campus for any time you might feel like snacking. Let’s not forget about the downtown restaurants – about four of them which mainly serve pizza – and bars. It’s pretty difficult to avoid getting the freshman 15 of extra weight, or more, at UNH.
The Fear of Missing Out is real at UNH and it will happen to you. There are so many clubs, activities, sports, intramurals, and other ways to interact and be involved in the community that there is no possible way of doing them all. So you’ll have to miss out on something, which just may tear you apart. Try to cope by choosing the activities you’re most interested in and passionate about.
3. A Love/Hate Relationship With Snow
Even if you come from a more Southern region of the US or a foreign country, you will not only come to love snow but to hate it, too. For one thing, snow brings snow days, fun with friends, and snow sports – all things to love. However, the snowfall also means that when classes and work aren’t closed, you’ll have to walk through it and drive through it, both of which can be frustrating. Not to mention the mud that comes when the snow melts. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to the whirl of emotions you feel towards snow.
4. Accidentally walking into an event.
There is always an event somewhere on campus. It’s hard to avoid bumping into one. Often times they are on your way to class or a dining hall, on a lawn outside your building or throughout the hallway in the MUB. The library sometimes even has events, and there are almost always tables in the Murkland courtyard with students handing out flyers. If you’re ever looking for something to do, just walk around campus a bit – you’ll run into something.
5. Email Spam
As a student at UNH, there are a million places from where you will get email. It comes from every direction, almost on a daily basis, and it can become very, very annoying. The UNH Today and Canvas have certainly worn out their welcome. The only reason Dick Cannon never did is because his emails usually brought the good news of no classes.
6. Craving a midnight snack.
From Philbrook Dining Hall Late Night to Wildcatessan being open until 1am, there is no lack of late night food options at UNH. So over four years here, it’s impossible to avoid occasionally getting a desire to eat at a crazy time of night and heading off to Kurt’s truck or to grab a pita at Pita Pit. Just try not to make it a habit – because that’s how #1 happens.
7. Running into your Professor at the Hockey Game.
Okay so this doesn’t just mean your Professors or Hockey Games. Honestly, it is a very common occurrence, even at such a large university, to run into people you know in unexpected places – whether they be friend or foe. I think When Harry Met Sally said it best: “In a city of eight million people, you’re bound to run into your ex-wife.”
8. Finding a wallet or student ID on the ground.
People, mostly students, at UNH are very forgetful. That, or very, very drunk. Particularly on the weekends, more IDs than you’d think go missing or are found in the strangest places around campus. Keep your eyes peeled, and then maybe bring it to the Library Circulation Desk for lost and found. (Despite the gif, Identity Theft is really not cool).
9. The classroom nap.
That’s right. It’s unavoidable. No matter how studious you think you are, at some point during your time at UNH, you will fall asleep during class. It could be that crazy early 8am discovery course or the odd afternoon class. Or it could just be the week after midterms and a holiday weekend. Just try not to get caught.
10. The summertime campus visit.
You’ll want to hike and swim in lovely New Hampshire over the summer. Perhaps you’ll visit your on-campus or near-campus friends, despite your wish to avoid all things school related over the summer. One way or another, though, we’ll get you.