
10 Things I Want To Thank My Mom For

Moms are seemingly mythical beings who put up with us on a daily basis. They love us despite our faults and ability to give them gray hairs (sometimes prematurely). My mom is especially one of those beings, as she has been there for me through the years of “I can’t.” So, here are 10 of the many things I want to thank my mom for.

1. For dealing with my whims.

I wasn’t ever a wild child, but I did have my everyday impulses. From wanting to eat healthy (and failing) to deciding that I didn’t need to drive (that’s changed), she let me make my own decisions. Some of my whims were short-lived and silly, others ran a very long course and still ravage the landscape of my life today.

2. Giving me advice on real-life situations.

Whenever I was unsure of what to do, she was there. She wasn’t always able to point me in the absolute right direction, however the direction was always right-ish.

3. Helping me get through school and its difficulties.

I used to be happy kid, maybe one with the tendency to worry, but it had never hindered me. Then, my middle school experience came along and shoved its proverbial ugly mug into my life. While dealing with stereotypical experiences doesn’t really sound like a bad thing, my mom had to live through my not wanting to go to school, my breakdowns, and my sudden-silence. She has never stopped supporting me and loving all my dings even though it took me a while to stand back up.

4. Supporting me and loving me as I am.

Anxiety didn’t bring out the best in me, nonetheless my mom supported me. Each time I draw something, she says it looks fantastic. Every time I disappear into a book, she tries to wait til I come back to Earth to ask me to do something.

5. Voicing her opinion even when I didn’t want to hear it.

Some of my choices weren’t the smartest. My mom knew it, and she told me. It was like her way of saying, “I told you so,” yet still remaining supportive. All in all, she always made sure that I knew she was there if I needed to talk and that made all the difference.

6. That undeniable ability to make me think.

I think I have a pretty good understanding of something, and then my mom voices her thoughts and all I can say is “huh.” She has never failed to get the train of thought rolling, and I don’t think she is going to stop anytime soon.

7. For listening to me complain and mostly staying calm.

Maybe there is never going to be such a thing as never-ending patience; yet, my mom does show signs of having something similar to it. From what I gather, raising a child is not easy. You have to raise a human being and hope (and pray a lot) that they will turn out great. All those rearing years and those after, moms have to listen to you complain. Personally, after having to deal with my brother complaining for a few minutes I have to leave to the room; so, it makes me wonder, how in the world does she stay sane?

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8. Giving me a list of endless chores.

Did I ever want to complete my chores? No. Did I (eventually)? Yes. I might not have wanted to clean the dishes, do my own laundry, make my bed, and the other million things, but by doing all that I learned to be responsible. It prepared me for the days that I would have to do all those things myself and wouldn’t have my mom right there to tell me if it’s okay to put that red shirt in with all my white clothes and that dash of bleach.

9. Instilling those infamous right and wrongs.

My mom raised me right, meaning I have a clear definition of what I feel is okay and not okay. She also always told me to put myself in other peoples’ shoes and to not judge them.

10. For helping me build my confidence and esteem.

While my confidence and esteem do take hits at times, like when I fail at something or don’t know why people put up with me; my sense of each all began when my mom loved me as I was and I am now. The seemingly required, “You’re beautiful as you are,” isn’t, and I lucked out in having her as a parent.

These are only a few of the things I want to thank my mom for, because the list is endless. She puts up with me, and while that may be a parental requirement, she goes above and beyond. We might not get along sometimes and annoy each other to no end, but at the end of it all, we still love each other. That is all I could really ask for- for my mom to love me as I am, no matter what argument we get into.

So those are 10 things I wanted to thank my mom for. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below!
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