College Life

9 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At UC Irvine

College flies by fast! One day you’ll be meeting your freshman dorm roommate and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to graduation! Learn to enjoy and soak in your time at UC Irvine! Once you’re gone you’ll start to miss it!

1. Joining a Club

Joining a Club is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have during your college career! You will find a group of like-minded people and learn to bond over a common goal! Joining a club is perfect if you want to make friends from a variety of interesting backgrounds! You can even develop leadership skills! Let the inner you shine!

2. Buying $2 Boba

You probably already do this, but buy the two dollar boba as much as you can, while you can. You might be annoyed of hearing people trying to sell it to you every time you are on Ring Road, but your wallet will thank you for it! The post-graduation struggle is real! Enjoy a cold, refreshing, cheap drink while you can!

3. Going to Shocktoberfest

Shocktoberfest is the annual concert held in October every year at the Bren Events Center. The concert usually features EDM and hip-hop artists. In the past, acts like Kehlani, Kendrick Lamar, Ekali and A$AP Rocky! This is the only big concert event put by the school every year, so splurge a little on tickets, line up early, and get floor standing room spots! Shocktoberfest is a great way to welcome the new school year and participate in some school spirit!

4. Signing Up for a Fun, but Unneeded Class

If you see a class that sounds interesting while registering for classes, and you have the time, take it! Don’t be scared of the extra workload because you can always drop or switch out of it! Taking a fun class is therapeutic and will surround you with people outside of your own major!

5. All Nighters At A Library

Studying for finals or midterms at the library is an experience. UC Irvine has two libraries you can choose from for all your studying needs and has multiple study areas, students can curl up in and stay inside for hours. Everyone is tired, everyone is stressed, and everyone is trying to cram as much info into their minds as they can. There is unity in the shared struggle! Study rooms are filled for days, people sleep on the floor, eat on the floor and basically call the library home for four or five days.

6. Hanging Out in Aldrich Park Between Classes

Aldrich Park is incredibly peaceful for any student to just down in and relax from a busy day of classes. The trees, flowers, and grass provide a welcome escape from staring at whiteboards, projectors, and notebooks! Stop and smell the flowers, if not, this will be one of the things you will regret not doing at UC Irvine!

See Also

7. Going to Office Hours

Going to professor’s office hours is advice everyone will give you before college, but seriously– don’t forget to do this! Office hours are a great way to not only learn more about the subject or class you are taking but getting advice from people who have lived exactly what you are living through!

8. Participating in Free School Giveaways

Every so often, student government and orgs will giveaway free goodies! Everything from food ( free pizza or veggies!), coupons, planners, and UCI merch! Keep an eye out for Facebook events being promoted online!

9. Getting Peter the Anteater Merch!

Peter is the cutest college mascot out there! Get apparel featuring this adorable anteater so you can remember all the good times you had at UC Irvine!

What about you? Do you have any interesting things you love to do at UC Irvine? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured Image Source:,_Langson_Library.JPG

Andrea is a writer from California who keeps buying used books she doesn't need from library sales. Her favorite author is Sylvia Plath and she is currently working on her first novel, a middle grade book about kids in space.

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