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15 Things People From Minnesota Learn Once Leaving

15 Things People From Minnesota Learn Once Leaving

Every true Minnesotan knows that they live in the absolute best state, and are happy to brag about their beloved home. But it isn't until you live in another not-so-great state that you realize all the "odd" things that you do. Here are the things people from Minnesota learn after leaving. 1. You speak a foreign langua

Every true Minnesotan knows that they live in the absolute best state, and are happy to brag about their beloved home. But it isn’t until you live in another not-so-great state that you realize all the “odd” things that you do. Here are the things people from Minnesota learn after leaving.

1. You speak a foreign language.

Even entering Wisconsin or, god forbid, Iowa, everyone looks at you like you are speaking gibberish anytime you say the word “bag”, “wagon”, “flag”, or “dragon”… the list goes on. Also– what is a tater tot CASSEROLE? It’s most definitely a hot dish.

2. You have an accent, and it’s THICK.

“Anyone want to go OOUt on the bOUt today?”


“I am OOUt and abOUUT at the mall!”

3. No one has heard of half the childhood games you played.

Duck duck goose? Where does the goose come from?? All the other states are wrong anyway, it was proven that it actually is Duck Duck Grey Duck. (HA!)


4. You are either EXTREMELY warm blooded, or the rest of the world is made up of wimps.

The news says it’s ‘too cold’ to be outside at 0 degrees in other states, but in Minnesota, that is nearly shorts and t-shirt weather.

5. Every winter activity you did for fun is weird af.

“You drive on the lake??”

“How do you go fishing without a boat?”


6. Minnesota isn’t considered the midwest.

Apparently if you ask anyone in the midwest, or otherwise, Minnesota is considered to be the ‘great north’, not the midwest. If you ask me, Minnesota is more midwest than any of the other states.

“So aren’t you, like, basically Canada?”

7. Lakes are a luxury everywhere else.

Moving away to college from the land of 10,000 lakes, I discovered that the nearest lake is 3 hours from me… I guess a 10 minute drive in any direction to hit a lake isn’t a normal thing.


8. The Mall of America is equivalent to a castle.

In Minnesota, it takes EXTREME dedication to walk all the way around the mall just to find that one store, but no other mall compares to the MOA. After all, I have yet to find another mall that has an aquarium, an amusement park, a hotel, and 200+ stores in one building.

9. Our state fair is literally the coolest thing ever.

There is no fair like the Minnesota State fair, but really nothing beats getting a tub of Sweet Martha’s cookies and going to the unlimited milk stand with it. It’s unfair to the other states really.

10. No state is nicer than us.

Other states are selfish compared to us. Cut someone off? No biggy. Need to pee? Oh here, go in front of me! Forgot your shoes? Take mine, don’t need them anyway!


11. We are a fairly unathletic state, but hey, we love it anyway.

The state’s sports teams might not have the best track record… at all. But at least we have spirit!!! #SKOL

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12. “Ice Skating” has a completely different connotation.

We basically learned to skate before we could walk… but for hockey. Other places, people skate just for the hell of it??


13. School gets cancelled in other places for the weirdest reasons.

It snowed, like 3 inches, and classes are cancelled all across the state of Nebraska. In Minnesota, that’s called fall.

14. There is tax on EVERYTHING.

You never realize how expensive things are until you get taxed. Seriously… what’s up with placing a tax on tampons?

15. No state tops Minnesota.

At the end of the day, you can move anywhere, but nothing beats the land of 10,000 lakes, dontcha know?


Let us know what you think about people from Minnesota in the comments below!
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