7 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Live In Zura At SDSU

I was one of the lucky ones. By this, I mean I was lucky enough to get to dorm in San Diego State’s newly renovated Zura residence hall! Compared to other dorms, this is basically a five-star hotel with a cute, colorful beach theme. Keep reading for 7 things you’ll only understand if you live in Zura at SDSU!
1. Everyone telling you how lucky you are.
As a freshman, introducing yourself includes your name, where you’re from, and what dorm you live in. Every single time you said the word “Zura”, the other person would instantly radiate jealousy and let you know how lucky you are. I mean, being the first group of residents to live in a completely new dorm, with incredible amenities, wasn’t too bad.
2. The beautiful sixth-floor deck.
When we found out that we had this deck in Zura at SDSU, we were all so excited. You and your friends planned to go out there and hang out, tan, and check out the view because, hey, it’s right there right? But if you’re anything like me, you didn’t use the deck as much as you thought you would (even though you know you should have taken advantage of it while you could).
3. The different Residential Learning Communities!
From the Weber’s Honors College to the PRIDE Community, even to the Surfing and Sustainability Community, Zura is home to all different types of students.
4. Play pool and ping-pong!
Among Zura’s amenities were the pool and ping-pong tables. Whenever you gave someone a “tour” of Zura, they’d all go “Whaaat! You have a pool table and a ping-pong table?!” Yes. Yes, we do. Although you may not have used them that much, we still had them. And we are still the best dorm.
5. The forever broken elevators…
Yes, Zura may be all nice, new, and beautiful, but it did have it faults. One being the infamous elevators. These elevators were notorious for breaking down. The doors not shutting, or even accidentally taking you to the eerie, all-white basement. Or when the elevator would push random floors on its own so you’d end up stopping on multiple floors and awkwardly explain it when the people in the tables looked at you like “uh…hi…”. Also, judging people who used the elevator to get to floor two, but still using it because let’s be real, those stairs were killer.
6. Plenty of study rooms and tables.
Ah, the study rooms and tables. They’re a blessing and a curse. A blessing because they offered you the perfect space to socialize while getting some homework done, or even a quick snack and watch people as the elevators open and close. But, also a curse because they are ALWAYS full when you need to do actual homework, especially the study rooms. I mean, did you really live in Zura if you didn’t ask someone from another floor if their study rooms were open?
7. The cozy common area!
Every time I gave someone a tour of Zura, they were always in awe of the couches and tv that every floor had in their common area. “Like…this is your common area?! You guys hang out and watch TV here?!” Yep. We had it made. Comfy couches that were always there to have a floor TV binge, late night talks, and sometimes even naps (although they were nearly impossible to do homework on because they were so comfortable and everyone and their mom stopped by to talk to you).
Overall, Zura is absolutely incredible, and we got insanely lucky to live here. Between the oddly shaped chairs outside of the kitchen area, the handicap stall that some people would sneak and use as their own personal shower, or the even the treadmill and vending machines in the laundry room that everyone that didn’t live in Zura was impressed by, we definitely were spoiled. While everyone is excited to be moving on to new apartments and houses, a significant part of me will always miss room B314 and all the great times that happened in Zura.
To the freshmen that get the privilege to live in Zura at SDSU, enjoy it and appreciate it while you can, you’re a lucky one!