8 Things NOT To Do At Graduation

Admit it. You have been looking forward to graduation day ever since sophomore year. And while High School Musical and Gilmore Girls possibly gave you some unrealistic expectations for the big day, you can’t wait for the senioritis guilt to finally end!
But in case you never saw the Lizzie McGuire movie, graduation day is no walk in the park. So, to save yourself from embarrassment, here are our top tips on things not to do at graduation.
1) Show Up Late
While you may have gotten away with being late to homeroom or to your 8 a.m. almost every day this year, it’s not cute to show up late to graduation with Starbucks in your hand or half your hair curled. You will only draw unwanted attention to yourself and look irresponsible on your important day. Set a wake up alarm, pick out an outfit beforehand, and show up on time!
2) Wear Heels That Are Too High
I get it. Some of us ladies are masters at walking in stilettos. But for the vast majority, do not increase your chances of tripping across that stage by wearing a new pair of heels that you can barely walk in. Luckily, this spring is all about ballet flats and cute wedges. But if you are still set on those new pumps, at least practice your walk before you get up on that stage!
3) Zone Out During The Speeches
Graduations are notoriously long and boring. Especially if you are not the valedictorian, the hours of speeches can feel like torture. But do not let that cause you to fall asleep, chat with your friends, or sit on your phone the whole time! Not only is it extremely rude to the person speaking, but you should try and soak up every minute of graduation.
4) Wear Your Cap The Wrong Way
As tacky as you may think it looks, the graduation cap goes ON TOP of your head, not falling off the back. Many girls have “revolutionized” the awkward hat by folding and bobby pinning it until it barely hangs onto your head. As tempting as this hack is, just wear it the correct way, practice a cap friendly hairstyle, and make it work. We will all look goofy together.
5) Forget To Decorate Your Cap
Given that the graduation hat does look a little tacky, make it as pretty as you can! In recent years, it has been a huge trend to decorate the top of your cap with cute artwork, inspiring quotes, or funny jokes. If you’re feeling up to it (and your school allows it), GO FOR IT!
6) Downplay The Importance Of The Day
Remember how hard you worked to get here! Many years of schooling brought you to this day, so don’t minimize your success and ignore how special graduation truly is. Invite all your loved ones to the ceremony and your party, post lots of pictures, and soak up every moment.
7) Leave With Any Regrets
Let’s face it. The day you step out of those doors is probably the last time you will ever see most of your fellow classmates. This is the day that truly seals off a large chapter in your life. Don’t leave graduation with any bitterness towards people or regrets for not doing something. Confront, forgive, accomplish, and move on with excitement for what is to come.
8) Assume You Have It All Figured Out
Lastly, don’t assume that you don’t have any more life lessons to learn or that you are now completely accomplished. There is always more to learn and more to strive for! While graduation is a huge stepping stone into a new chapter, the future is still a mystery. So don’t think that graduating means that you have it all figured out. Likewise, if you have no idea what the next step is for you following graduation, that’s okay too! You still have plenty of time to decide on things so don’t be afraid for new opportunities that are coming!
Can you think of any other things NOT to do at graduation? Let us know in the comments and share this article!
Featured Photo Source: https://www.theodysseyonline.com

Soon-to-be college Freshman at James Madison University. Loves beaches, dachshunds, and all things Anthropologie.