
20 Things No One Tells You About Keene State Freshman Year

Freshman year is basically all the same. But at Keene State College, we tend to have some differences that make us totally unique from other colleges around us! Here are 20 things you need to know about freshman year at Keene State. These are mandatory Keene State freshman year “must-know’s.”

1: Orientation is long

You move in and are expected to be done moving by 1 so you can begin orientation…. 4 day long orientation! Bright side though!! You meet a lot of new people and the O-Leaders do play fun, wacky games. How can we forget the “name game”?  Word of advice: take advantage of those breaks!

2: Finals Week Bingo

We do not do finals week the normal way. During the entire week of finals, there is so much to do and see on campus. Go to the Student Center and see the Therapy Dogs we have on campus or wait until Finals Week Bingo! Now this is some serious stuff people. You will never see more college students in one room arguing about bingo in your life! I highly recommend that if you don’t have time for  anything else during finals week, make time for this!

3: Domino’s delivers until 2AM

The Dining Commons (or DC) closes at 8pm Monday through Thursday and at 7:30pm Friday through Sunday. Lets be honest, we college kids do not go to sleep until 1 or 2am and going almost 5 hours with no food can be a bit rough. Luckily enough, we have a domino’s right near campus! Plus this is a life saver during finals week!

4: “You have to know your major going into college”

Surprise! Surprise! You don’t! KSC offers a lot of different courses that can also be counted as an ISP or “gen. eds”. So you can be learning about what you want to do in life and simultaneously take courses to fill your required classes! Cool, right? Advice: Come into college having an idea of what you might want to do. If you like health and science, take those types of ISP. KSC will not let you fail!

5: We are in the mountains

I am from Boston, MA so this type of weather can be very confusing. In the morning, it can be 60 even 70 degrees but by the time you get out of your 4pm class, it can plummet to 40 and even 30 degrees. So even in those warm fall months, always have a cozy Keene hoodie and sweatpants to snuggle into!


6: The weekend starts on a Thursday

60% of KSC students have no classes on Friday. Why? Lets just say there is a reason they call us “Keg Stand College”.

7: Add/Drop Week

Even though this is a thing at most colleges, during my first semester of freshman year, I didn’t find out that it was a thing until it was too late. During the first day  through the seventh calendar day of classes, you are allowed to drop and add classes without penalty to your permanent record or GPA. So if you think a class will be too hard/easy or if you don’t find it interesting, you can drop it for another class. Here is a tip: email the professor you want to add and let them know you want to add their class. It will make their lives easier.

8: You don’t have to be best friends with your roommate(s)

Sad but true and it is completely fine! No one is gonna say you’re a bad person because you’re not best friends with your roommate(s). I know people who are not best friends with their roommate and they said they love how they co-exist nicely. Keene State freshman year will teach you you don’t need to be buddy-buddy with them.

9: Its okay not to go out on weekends

No one actually cares if you don’t go out to parties. Sometimes Netflix or a good book to read on a cold Friday night is okay too. Do not feel like you have to do something because it is part of the “college experience”. YOU do what YOU want to do!

10: Pumpkin Fest

If you go to any KSC Student and ask what pumpkin fest is, the first thing they will say is “It was not our fault!” Truthfully, it wasn’t. It was just one night of all college kids just having a little too much fun at a community event. but it happened near KSC so people assumed it was us. This will forever be apart of our schools history

11: All services on campus are free

I get sick constantly. People could place bets on me getting sick and win, its that bad. As a college student, I’m already broke. Located in the 3rd floor of the Elliot Center, KSC offers medical services as well as psychological services for those who want to get help without paying much money. The only time you will have to pay money is if you need medicine or antibiotics. Even then, it’s not that much money.

12: Do not rent/buy books before the first day

Some teachers don’t even use their textbooks. Wait until the first day to see if you need the class. this will save you BIG money

13: Call your folks, and not just on Sundays

Especially being an out-of- state student, you have this new sense of freedom and responsibility and it is easy to forget about the ones who are important. Your parents/guardians, brothers, sisters, and even your pets miss you! Try to call or text them everyday! Trust me, a little act goes a long way

14: “Freshman 15” is not a myth around here

Buffet of food at the DC, Hoot-n-scoot, and Domino’s right around the corner added to our busty schedules, we are gonna put on a few pounds. Spaudling Gym located right by the DC is free! There is stuff for everyone to do. Weight room for the lifters, a whole floor of cardio machines for your running needs and a 1/11 mile track! If you don’t like the intimidation of a gym but still want to get in shape, KSC offers classes like Zumba and yoga. See! Something for everyone!

15: Open classrooms are yours to use

At KSC, you are able to use the rooms in the Science Center for your learning use if no classes are in session at that time. I recommend Room 101 in the Science center, there is a giant white board and all of the seats have plugs near them so you could stay there all day if you really wanted to!

16: Your friends are for life, your boyfriends and girlfriends come and go

New people, new places, new friends, new relationships. Yes, there are people outside of high school. Maybe even someone you meet with on a deeper level, but don’t forget you have friends too. The classic “third wheel” situation is a major reason why people in relationships can lose friends. Try to make time for both your relationship and friends. College relationships you need the equal balance. Go with what Phoebe Buffay said:

See Also

17: First Semester is rough

It is easy, but not. It’s easy in the sense that you get to pick from a plethora of classes and at the times you want but it is rough because the dynamic is far different than high school. You are responsible to get to class, turn in term papers and emailing your teachers when you are going to be out of class or have questions. No one will be calling you and asking where you are. Since we are adults, we will be treated like one. And it is okay to ask for directions to a class, the upperclassmen will not belittle you because they have been there. If you really are worried about asking upperclassmen for directions, you can print out a map or grab some friends and go find your classrooms. KSC is not big so it is hard to get lost around here.

18: Half the stuff you bring into the Fall Semester, will be thrown out by sophomore year

Believe it or not, half of the things you thought you would use your freshman year you don’t even touch. for girls, the only time you will touch your makeup or your favorite cocktail dress is when you have a date or an interview (yes, KSC requires you to dress accordingly). for boys, all your sports equipment won’t be used in the fall because of the crazy New England weather (unless you will be playing a sport). KSC does have rules as to what to bring and not to bring to Keene. You can check that out and more here!

19: Mount Monadnock

Absolutely something you need to hike before your 4 years are up here at Keene. About a 35 minute drive from campus you can hike one of our greatest treasures! The four-hour round trip to the summit and back by one of the shorter trails is considered moderately challenging for the traditional hiker but requires no technical skills during the late spring to early fall season. Unless you have a death wish, I recommend hiking in the hotter months. After late September and early October, the mountain can become very dangerous and even life threatening. Be careful!!!

20: Hootie’s Nocturnal Knockout

Basically our version of a pep rally! We celebrate our winter sports by having cool challenges like the half court shot to win a scholarship, our version of “hungry, hungry hippos” and tee shirt cannons! Hey,” if its free, its for me” right?

Let us know what you think about Keene State freshman year in the comments below!
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