20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At The University Of Pittsburgh

Freshman year can be overwhelming. Experiencing life in a new city, surrounded by new people, living on your own can take a while to get used to. These tips will help you settle into being a Pitt student quickly and smoothly. Keep reading for 20 things no one tells you about freshman year at The University of Pittsburgh!
1. Learn how money at Pitt works.
Try your best to get an understanding of the difference between Dining Dollars and Panther Funds before you get to campus. It will help you feel more comfortable in your first weeks.
2. The dining hall food is a let down.
For a week or two you will be excited by the sheer number of stations in Market. Then you’ll be on your second straight week of eating stir fry and wonder how you ever thought the food here was any good.
3. Pittsburgh weather is crazy.
One day it will be sunny and 70 degrees and the very next it will be 40 degrees and snowing. Be prepared to have an ever-changing wardrobe.
4. Get a planner.
They may seem childish, but a good planner can help you stay organized during the semester.
5. Making friends is tough.
College is sold as a time when you create lasting friendships. It is harder than expected. Reach out to as many people as possible in your first few weeks.
6. You do not need the Unlimited Meal Plan.
Your parents will convince you that it’s a good idea, but in reality it is a waste of money that could be spent on better things.
7. Go to all of the campus events.
Some of them may sound lame but they will help you get out of your room and hopefully meet new people.
8. Do not feel pressured to look nice for class.
You may feel tempted to look nice and presentable for the first few weeks of the semester but that will go away quickly. Do not be afraid to walk into class with sweatpants and a messy bun, you won’t be alone.
9. You will miss showering without shoes on.
It is a simple part of your day, but it is cherished. Showering when you return home is the best feeling.
10. Sutherland East is full of athletes.
If that is cool with you, great. But, many people do not know coming in that living in Sutherland East will include a fair amount of interaction with Pitt athletes. Be prepared for some pretty crazy antics.
11. Use public transit.
Branch out beyond the 10A. Public transit can be your best friend on late Saturday nights in South O.
12. Your schedule does not have to be perfect the first time around.
The pressure is on to create the perfect schedule for your first college semester. But the two week add/drop period will allow you to make some mistakes and try different classes out until you find the right fit for you.
13. Be prepared for a ton of school pride.
Maybe you were aware coming in, but others could be unaware of the insane amount of pride that this school has. Hail 2 Pitt!
14. Get the microfridge.
A fridge and microwave in your first semester can be a lifesaver when accommodating to college life.
15. Do your research about textbooks.
Ask upperclassmen, look online, put in the time while looking for textbooks. Oftentimes you will find out that the textbook is not even needed to do well in the class.
16. Go to the activities fair.
It can seem overwhelming but it is the best tool to find the obscure clubs that are a perfect fit for you, like Pitterest (Pitt’s Pinterest club).
17. It takes work to maintain old friendships.
High schools friends are some of the best friends you will ever have, but maintaining these friendships in college will take work. Weekly phone calls to catch up will help you keep these friends close.
18. Studying is important.
Maybe you expected the college culture to be all about partying, and to a certain extent it is. At the same time, people at Pitt care about their studies and will put in the work when needed.
19. Jaywalking is a necessity.
Do not follow the signs. Cutting across Forbes is a Pitt student rite of passage, never walk all the way to a crosswalk.
20. Take advantage of the free food.
If an event really wants people to attend they will advertise with food. Do not miss out on a offer of free food, especially when you are running low of dining dollars.