
20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Clemson

They tell you what to pack, how to register for classes, and where the library is when you head off to college. You get a map to find classes, an RA to help on the hall, and an advisor for academic questions. But, there are so many things they left out at orientation about what will happen freshman year at Clemson.

1. Football is more than just a game.

It’s our town. It’s our heart. And most importantly it’s our National Championship. Football is getting together on game days with friends, family, classmates and alumni and celebrating how amazing it is to be a Clemson Tiger.

2. There is actually something in these hills.

It’s pain, suffering, and running out of breath on the way to class. No one tells you at orientation you need to do marathon training in order to walk to and from class in the fall.

3. You will probably use the bathroom somewhere that isn’t meant to be a bathroom.

Trust me, the bushes are a lot safer than a frat’s bathroom.

4. You will spend an entire night in Cooper.

And probably more than once. The library has everything you need for a successful all-nighter: books, computers, the Adobe Lab. More importantly, there’s a P.O.D. and Starbucks to ensure you have plenty of study breaks and snacks.

5. You find the best snuggle buddies.

Could be the new boyfriend you snagged from chem lab, your new sorority sisters, or the amazing friends you made on your hall. Nothing beats a Friday night fitting four best friends in a dorm bed for movie night.


6. You will get your heart broken.

It could be from boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends and more. It will happen, and probably more than once. Thankfully, this process shows you who the most important people in your life are.

7. You will fail.

You will fail assignments, tests, and maybe even a class. And you aren’t the first and you won’t be the last. Don’t let one failure define you. It happens to everyone.

8. You will cry. A lot.

Freshmen year is hard. You move away from your parents, have to make all new friends, and have classes with 200 other people. It is okay to cry.

9. Roommates are the best.

Need someone to study with? Roommate. Need someone to go to the dining hall with you? Roommate. Need a best friend for life who can be your maid of honor one day? ROOMMATE.

10. You will lose a lot of high school friends.

Your group chat of twenty people changes to the three people who ask if you’re home when you go back over Christmas break. Keep them and let the others go.

11. You will change your life plan.

You learn a lot about yourself freshmen year, and may want to change your major. Or you take chemistry and realize nursing isn’t for you.

12. You will realize nobody cares.

You don’t want to wear make up? You don’t want to go out? You wore that shirt yesterday? You’re in luck, so did the rest of us.


13. You will want to drop out.

Don’t. At least not yet.

See Also

14. You die a little when you realize how expensive textbooks are.

You will end up calling your dad from the checkout line asking to borrow $600 more for books.

15. Your RA is a blessing.

Sure, she sucks for enforcing rules. However, she knows all the tricks and tips to surviving the school year. Take advantage of having someone who knows what you’re going through.

16. You will miss real food.

It sounds fun to have access to food 24/7 via dining hall, but eventually all you want is mom’s cooking.

17. You have to buy your own toiletries.

It’s rather alarming when you run out of shampoo, and there isn’t a new bottle there ready for your next shower automatically.

18. You will make really bad decisions.

Taking too many credit hours, going out the night before a test, getting a tattoo at the Natty.. The list could go on forever.

19. You will gain weight, lose weight, and then gain weight again.

The freshman fifteen is real, but so is Fike. Then you remember we have Cane’s, Which Wich, Twister Taco and more all on the way to Fike.

20. You will wake up everyday thankful you chose Clemson.

Being surrounded by amazing friends, brilliant professors, and a beautiful campus everyday will never get old.

What else does no one tell you about freshman year at Clemson? Let us know in the comments below!
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