As I am graduating in a little over a month, I pretty much know all the ins and outs of college. Through trial and error (mostly error), I have learned everything to do and not to do. I’ve asked my friends, twitter, and myself things, I wish I would have known my freshman year. So what better way to close out my time at university than to tell you 20 things no one tells you about freshman year at Central Michigan University.
No matter how weird it may seems, you may get your grade increased and build a relationship with your professor. Building relationships early on is helpful for letter of recommendations you may need in the future.
There are resources around campus so utilize them.
College doesn’t have to look like a tv show for you. It is okay if you only make a few friends and only go out occasionally.
One of the most important things is that you can make friends by studying and doing low maintenance things. You don’t have to make friends to only go out, that creates an environment of “party” friends who won’t be there for you when you actually need them.
One of the harder things to learn in transition from high school to college is that you will not be good at everything. Accept your flaws and embrace them.
Whatever is going to happen will happen so just enjoy the ride.
You’re growing up and that may mean growing apart. It might suck in the moment but don’t limit yourself trying to make a long distance relationship work.
Don’t let people who refuse to move on from high school hold you back or make you feel bad because you have.
Try different things, sign up from different RSO’s. The event “Main Stage” is a great start to finding different organizations. Even if you don’t stick with it, you’ll meet new people and find your likes and dislikes.
There are so many different people from different backgrounds in college so don’t feel the need to fall into a certain crowd, or care about peoples opinions. Focus on you.
If you mess up or feel like you need to change your major or move into a different dorm just know it is not the end of the world.
There will be so many different people but you could end up being great friends with someone completely opposite of you. Attempt to be a social butterfly and make real connections with people.
In a social media society people make is seem like you’re a weirdo if you’re somewhere alone but those moments are really when you learn the most about yourself.
Try do work part time in something related to your interests or take on internships over the summer. Building your resume while in college is the only way to make yourself hirable post college even after you’ve received your degree.
So don’t get discourage when doors are shut in your face. Just go back to the drawing board and knock again later.
There will be so many rainy days in the future. SO don’t spend all your open house money on going out to eat and partying. Have a savings fun for just in case days.
Even though professors suggest certain books, it is likely that you won’t even open it. So wait a few classes to see if the book is actually needed before you buy it. If it turns out that you do need it try to rent it on Chegg or Amazon.
Take classes that will double count as an UP and your major, or a competency. It’ll save you money and time in the long run.
Quizlet will probably save your life. There’s exam study guides from almost every class, so search your course on there before your exam for flash cards.
Last but not least just try to have fun and be in the moment. College goes by so fast and it is a great experience. Even if it is uncomfortable force yourself to meet people and do things you wouldn’t normally do.
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