Freshman year here is going to be a hell of a ride but sometimes you aren’t going to be ready for some things at Syracuse University. Here are some tips that no one tells you about freshman year at Syracuse University.
Waiting for your turn to be allowed in is the most exciting and most terrifying time of your life.
You will be drinking before your parents even make it home.
Learning to live by yourself is rough.
Being independent is the best.
You just have to live together.
Don’t latch on to the first people you meet.
There are hundreds of student organizations, you don’t have to join all of them.
College is harder.
Fix it will clean, but their are always gross days.
We’re a top party school, you can do what you want with that.
Just let her.
It happened.
We all love them, just except it.
It just sucks.
He is the most worshiped person on campus.
Most people skip class, or cancel class.
You are an adult know you control you.
Inhalers are sometimes needed.
21 floors of students and not a single one can make popcorn correctly.
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