We’ve all been there – it’s two months into college, you’re settled in, classes are going good (sort of), and you’ve spent all your money on food and nights out with the gang. Your bank account is painfully empty and your wallet has cobwebs – even your change jar is reduced to pennies. So, what are you supposed to do? Homework? Please – we all know that’s not going to happen. So, when you’re a student at MTSU you’re broke AF, and you need something to do – keep reading for a few ideas.
An awesome perk of being a student here at MTSU is that you get into any sports game for free if you just show your student ID. So, if you’re ever hanging out on campus and are bored out of your mind, try getting together with some friends and go watch a football game, or if football isn’t your thing, MTSU also has volleyball, baseball, softball, and intramural teams.
Another great feature of being a student at MTSU is that we have our very own movie theater in the Student Union – and it’s free for students. The theater doesn’t play brand new movies, but it does play movies that are out of public theaters but aren’t yet available for purchase. Plus, you’re encouraged to bring your own snacks!
Are you a fan of theatre? Or perhaps even a theatre student? If so, then pay attention to the calendar – MTSU puts on some awesome live-action plays in the Tucker Theater on campus, and it’s free for students. Recently, MTSU put on an amazing production of the classic Peter Pan, and what’s not to love about that? So, if you fancy a good live show and don’t have the money to spend somewhere else, go see one of MTSU’s awesome free shows.
MTSU has an incredible Recreation Center – and, of course, it’s free for students to use. The Rec features loads of workout equipment, a rock climbing wall, a swimming pool, basketball courts, racquetball courts, and more. If you’re looking to cure your broke boredom with some physical activity, the Rec is the place to go.
If there’s one things that is always free at MTSU, or any campus, for that matter, it’s hanging out with your best buds. You and your friends can just sit and chill while playing some video games, have an intellectual conversation under a tree outside, or do any of the things previously mentioned together. No matter what it is, chilling with your friends is always a good cure for boredom when you’re broke AF.
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