10 Things I Learned About Myself By Being In A Sorority

Going through the rush process is a long and exhausting experience, but in the end you end up where you are meant to be and the friends you make will be your friends for life. I’ve learned a lot about myself ever since joining the “srat” life. Here are ten things I learned by being in a sorority.
1. I am basically famous on all aspects of social media
Look, I’m not saying I’m a celebrity but… Kidding! (kind of…) After joining a sorority, I immediately gained over 100 more followers on Instagram due to all my new sisters, so yes, I am basically famous.
2. I have full access to a million closets/clothes
Being in a house has made me realize that whenever I have nothing to wear, I have nothing to worry about! A quick run down the hall to one of my sister’s rooms can solve any outfit crisis.
3. I am the world’s laziest person
Seriously, I take lazy to a whole new level. Even when we get offered room points to go to an event, I would still rather lay in bed watching Netflix.
4. Girls stress me out
Yes, these girls are my best friends and I love them with all my heart, but too much estrogen in one room for long periods of time can really get to ya.
5. I spend an absurd amount of money on apparel that I will maybe wear once
It seems like a good idea at the time… (Sorry mom and dad!)
6. I’ve learned to branch out
Going into college isn’t an easy transition and meeting new people can be so hard. After joining a house, I’ve gained more confidence in my ability to branch out and meet new people.
7. I’ve learned to step WAY outside my comfort zone
Stepping outside of your comfort zone is sometimes so hard to do, but with the right people by your side it’s a breeze!
8. I’ve gained many new resources to help me with my classes
Luckily, many girls in my house are the same major as me, so I have many girls to work on homework assignments with and help me study for my tests.
9. I’ve learned how much I love being away from home
Don’t get me wrong, it’s so nice coming home from time to time but no offense to my mom and dad and brothers (if you’re even reading this), but being away on my own ROCKS. I love not having any one telling me what to do or what not to do.
10. It doesn’t matter what house you are in
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in “social status” and “top house” shenanigans, but at the end of the day I have learned that it doesn’t matter what house you’re in. No matter what house you end up in, you will find your people and those people will be your friends for life.
What have you learned by being in a sorority?
Featured image source: hottytoddy.com

University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign 2020. I love to write but I love to eat more.