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10 Things Kent State Students Ask Themselves

10 Things Kent State Students Ask Themselves

Kent State students know there are certain things we constantly question ourselves during our time here. Rather, if you are a freshman or a senior, there are certain questions that have remained about this campus and who knows if we ever will get an answer. Keep reading for 10 things Kent State students ask themselves on a regular basis.

1. What’s a Golden Flash?

Kent State’s official mascot is the Golden Flash. We are known as the Golden Flashes. But, what is a Golden Flash? Honestly, I have no idea. When someone asks I typically answer with it’s a bird. But, seriously why is this our mascot?

2. Where’s the Flash Alert?

As students we get Flash Alerts over the most random things. Never forget the alert about the stolen scooter or the truck backfiring. But, for the important and scary stuff there always seems to be a delay in a Flash Alert and everyone wonders when students will be informed with what is going on.



3. Where’s the bus?

Chances are you know this question all too well. We all have made the fatal decision to skip walking to class one day and take PARTA. You get to the bus stop and wait for what seems like forever on the bus to arrive to get you to class. You will probably ask yourself this a lot as you wait.

4. Why are the buildings so far apart?

You will ask yourself everyday as you make a hike across campus. Or when you schedule your classes back to back and the buildings are so far apart.


5. Where’s our snow day?

Walking across campus in negative degree weather with the sidewalks piled with snow you will wonder why we didn’t have a snow day. Then, when you receive the Flash Alerts that all of Kent’s branches, but main campus, have closed for the day, you will hate Kent.

6. Where are these protesters coming from?

You are walking to class, listening to your favorite music, and then you see them. Protesters on the K or in front of the MACC trying to get your attention or hand you something. It is the worst.



7. When is the construction going to be done?

There is literally construction everyday almost everywhere. Is it ever going to end?

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8. Are there any parking spots?

If you decide to take a chance and drive onto campus you will have to search for a parking spot. Chances are you will circle several parking lots for a while and end up following someone walking to their car to steal their spot when they leave. Parking on campus isn’t a game.


9. When do the dining halls open?

If you still have meal plan you will constantly be checking hours for the dining halls on campus, and most importantly checking the hub is taking meal plan.

10. Why is the wind so strong?

Literally why was this campus designed to have a wind tunnel?


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