Going off to college is an exciting, yet nerve wracking experience. Especially going to a big University like UM, you might not know exactly what to expect. Everyone has to go through orientation to get a feel for the campus, meet new people, and learn about what’s expected of you as a student. Some people take orientation a little more seriously than others, and I’ve compiled a list of a couple things I wish I knew before going to University of Miami orientation.
Part of attending a Big Ten school is getting to take part in the insane game day tailgates. There is…
College is all about studying what you love and pursuing your career, but it’s important to also take time for…
When you told other people you were dating, no one was surprised. Sometimes you wonder how two people could work…
Depending on where you’re from, moving to New York has so many different meanings. But for most, it is the…
Warning: this article is not about blonde and bronzed sorority girls jumping up and down, screaming about how much they…
The life of freshmen at Middle Tennessee State University can get pretty hard. It’s the first time you are truly on your…