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10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went To Orientation At ASU

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went To Orientation At ASU

Orientation is a big part of becoming a Sun Devil. These are things I wish I knew before orientation at ASU that will definitely help you out!

Orientation is a big part of becoming a Sun Devil and you will look back at your experience and think, ‘ah I wish I knew that’, or ‘why didn’t I think about that?’. To save you the trouble, here are some things I wish I knew before my orientation. Take notes, future Sun Devils because these are things you need to know for orientation at ASU!

Your ID photo will be taken (unless you did it online)

OK, I kind of knew about this but had no idea it would be taken first thing in the morning. At registration, there will be an outrageous amount of people waiting to take their photo. Therefore, you only have one shot of getting a good picture of yourself because you’re going to have this ID for the next four years.

Which ASU student ID card you want

By now, you’ve probably gotten one of these in the mail.


The main difference between the two IDs is that Pitchfork ID is connected to your MidFirst Bank account, essentially making it a debit card, and the Basic Sun card is a standard student ID. I chose the PitchFork card because many restaurants accept it, so if you plan on eating off campus, I suggest this ID. Be sure to have your bank information before you attend orientation.

Think about some classes you would want to take

I went into this very blindly and had no idea which classes I wanted to take, despite my major. Take a look at the ASU website and try to find some classes that interest you. You don’t want to be that person who lingers at the registration table trying to pick out their classes.

Register for classes ASAP

Once you are separated by major, you will be put into your advisory groups and speak with your advisor about which classes you should take. Once all the groups are done meeting, you’ll go to the registration table to sign up for classes. You want to get to that table as soon as you can because signing up for classes is pretty much like Black Friday shopping, and those classes will get filled up. Unless you want to wake up at 8 am for a major class, get to that table fast.


Where orientation takes place

This is one that I cannot stress enough. My orientation was at the Tempe campus, which is huge by the way, so I couldn’t rely on my memory from last summer when I toured the campus. I can guarantee that you will get lost unless you’re fairly familiar with the campus. You don’t want to be that person who shows up late mid-presentation from the Dean. To avoid this, get a map and and circle the location you are supposed to meet at.

Come up with questions for students

At some point during the orientation, you will be separated with your guests to have a Q & A with some students. ASU is known for its parties and alcohol/drug use, so keep in mind that nothing is off limits when it comes to questions. Make sure to write them down so you won’t forget them.

Don’t stock up on gear

I made the terrible mistake of buying a ton of ASU gear the day before orientation. When I checked in the next day, I was given the same shirt I had bought the day before, for free. Seriously, don’t buy anything until orientation ends because you’ll get shirts, water bottles, etc.


If one of your guests can’t make it, you’ll be charged anyway

It took me so long to check in because of all the people arguing at the tables. If one of your guests can’t make it, call the admissions office and let them know. Trust me, it will save you a lot of energy and time.

See Also
You have probably become quite familiar with the constant millennial phrases and lingo these days. Which are your least favorite ones?

Take notes on financial aid

There will be an entire section of the orientation that focuses on financial aid, and you’re given a sheet to calculate your tuition costs. Whether or not you are paying for your education, you should always pay attention to this particular section because they give information about on-campus jobs and internships.


Put your phone away

Yes, I was one of those people scrolling through Instagram and Facebook during orientation. I saw others doing the same so I thought, ‘What’s the harm?’. I ended up missing out on a lot of information because I thought orientation would be boring. It was. But, as soon as I put my phone away, I made new friends and learned a lot about ASU. 

Good luck, future Sun Devils! Forks up!

Are you going to orientation at ASU !? Share in the comments below!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own!


Featured Image: weheartit