College Life

15 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started The College Process

Before entering college it is easy to fall in the slide of “senioritis”, but there are a few more things to keep in mind before you get to that point. Senior year is as crucial as all the years previous. Take a look at the list of the 15 things I wish I knew before I started the college process.

1. The ACT/SAT may seem scary and a drag, chances are you are not a one and done kind of kid.

If you have friends that are don’t feel discouraged in the slightest, many people take the ACT/SAT many times in order to get the score they want.

2. Your senior year grades count!!

Don’t think because now you are a senior that you can have “senioritis” It depends on what you apply to your colleges as, if you apply Early Decision, first quarter grades count more than you think.

3. If you do not have the “grade requirement” for your dream college it is ok!

Colleges want to see students on an upward trend more than anything.

4. Do not be dull, the counselors looking through your application look through thousands of the same thing, do something to make you stand out over everyone else.

This seems to be told to every junior looking at college, it really does matter, make your personal essay very personal and about you. It is your time to brag about yourself while conveying a positive message as to why you are a good applicant for the counselors college.

5. Don’t think that you have to join every club in your school and do every extra curricular possible.

As doing this is important, there is no need to go overkill. Choose a few clubs and sports that seem interesting to you and maybe hold a major role in them, such as president or vice president.


6. Everything will be okay.

The stress that builds up with trying to get your common application done as well the supplements you may have to fill out are all part of a process that you must trust.

7. When visiting potential colleges that you may apply to be open minded.

If you have an older sibling who is in college and you don’t feel any need to go visit that school, it may not be for you, whether it is too big or small.

8. If you do not get into your first choice college it is ok!

They don’t deserve you then, go to a college that values what you have to offer as well as what the school has to offer to you.

9. Do not over-hype yourself and freak out.

The biggest piece of advice anyone can give you is when you get too stressed take a deep breath, know that everything will be ok, you will end up at a college that values you and that you enjoy being at.

10. Your ACT/SAT score is not the be all end all.

If you don’t get the score you want, it can be frustrating and annoying, know that you are not alone, kids across America and the world have the same stress as you, and it is ok to have, just do not freak.

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11. If you want your best shot at getting into your dream college, do everything possible so the college has no excuse to not accept you besides you not being a good fit.

This means, take a tour of the college, schedule an interview, be in contact with some professors, that teach a topic you may be interested. The biggest thing you can do is to be a familiar name within the admission counselors. Everything can help you get in but it can’t hurt, colleges recommend taking an official tour as well as doing an interview, this is true because everything you do, helps, whether it gives you the upper hand on somebody else or not, a tour an interview can’t hurt you as much as you not doing them.

12. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a guidance counselor, this is their job!

They are experts at this and are always more than willing to help you get to your dream college.

13. Choose a college that has your interests not just a brand name.

This means don’t choose a college just because you heard good things, look into the college and see if it offers what you are passionate about, not what others like.

14. Choose a college that makes you happy, don’t do what everyone else is doing.

It is important to choose a college that you like even if you are the only one going to it from your senior class. You never know you may start a trend.

15. Take a deep breath, be happy.

Because even though it may be stressful at the time, it is a major moment in your life and you have every right to cry, yell and flip out, but at the end of the day, do it for yourself, choose a college that benefits you also, be you, do what makes you happy, not the social norm.

Hey seniors! There is an abundance of answers I wish I knew before I started the college process, can you think of any more? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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