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10 Things I Will Miss This Fall Semester

10 Things I Will Miss This Fall Semester

Since everything is going online for the foreseeable future, we won’t get to experience having that exciting fall semester. I’m on the quarter system so fall quarter was honestly the best quarter where there were so many things to look forward to. COVID-19 has really changed and taken away so much of people’s college experiences. Here are some things that I really am going to miss having this fall semester/quarter. This fall semester/quarter is definitely going to be different that’s for sure. 

1. Going to tailgates and football games. 

There is nothing like dressing up in your school gear and having a blast with all your friends at a tailgate. Although UCLA’s football team sucks, the games and tailgates were a great experience and one that every college student should get the chance to go to. You can go to college football games when you’re out of college, but it’s not the same as being a student and enjoying game day. 


2. Going to dining halls with friends. 

A huge part of college is going to the dining halls and eating with your friends. Now dining halls are just going to be giving out food to go so people can eat it in their rooms. It sounds so lonely. I miss being able to just text a friend and go to dinner with them at a dining hall so easily. Although I’m going to be living off-campus so I wouldn’t have had a meal plan anyways, dining hall food was just a college staple. I should have never complained about waiting in line for food if I knew that it would be taken away from me so soon.

3. Participating in sorority recruitment. 

Although recruitment is now going to be virtual at my school, it won’t be the same as the regular, in-person recruitment. I joined a sorority last year and met one of my closest friends who happened to be in my recruitment group. People won’t get the same experience virtually as in-person which is really a bummer. Recruitment is supposed to be where the girls dress up and get to meet and talk to so many new people, but now it will be online where it’s harder to really get to know others. 


4. Going to in-person classes and walking on campus. 

It’s the little things that I’ll miss like my walks to class. Even though I dreaded how long it took me to walk to class (UCLA is a pretty hilly campus), I feel like I took it for granted. Going to in-person classes was a blessing where you really got to interact with others and meet new people. With all my classes held virtually, I won’t really get the full college experience. However, at least I won’t have to struggle running late to a 9 am class anymore. 


5. Going to start of the year parties. 

Partying in college isn’t everything, but it is fun to go sometimes to meet new people and have a good time with friends especially at the start of the year. When you haven’t seen your friends all summer, it was always great when everyone was reunited and could go celebrate at the start of the year parties. I guess now we’ll be having back to school parties on Zoom? 

6. No club meetings or events in-person. 

Another bummer of online learning is losing the ability to attend in-person club meetings. Yes, you can still join clubs online and have virtual events, but it isn’t the same. It’s so hard to socialize and meet new people online then it is in-person. I think that we need to make the best of the situation though and still participate in the club events no matter if they are virtual or not. It’s important to stay involved and active in any club you are in. 


7. Getting the full Halloween experience. 

Halloween is a college student’s favorite holiday. College students go all out on Halloween throwing crazy costume parties with everyone dressing up and making interesting mixed spooky-themed drinks. People start celebrating Halloween even before October 31; that’s how serious they are about the holiday. However, this year will be different. Instead of giant parties, we’ll probably just have small gatherings. Guess we’ll have to save our best costume ideas for the next year. 

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8. 0-Week Events and School Traditions

0-week is a huge thing at UCLA involving Bruin Bash (a big concert), move-in, activities fair, and more. It’s so much fun to be able to be with your friends again and participate in all your school has to offer. During our fall quarter, it’s really the time period when I have felt the most school pride for my campus. Every year there is the Beat SC Bonfire before the USC v. UCLA football game where every UCLA celebrates before the big game. I will really miss having these events this year and all the good memories they have to offer. 


9. Living nearby all your friends. 

Although I’ll be living with some friends, not all of my friends are coming to live near the UCLA area. There are a lot of people still choosing to live at home this year because of the pandemic. So I’ll definitely miss having all my friends nearby. Guess I’ll have to make good use of FaceTime and Zoom to still stay connected with them!

10. Being able to explore, try new things, and meet new people…Basically just having a normal college experience. 

Fortunately, this is going to be my 3rd year so I’ll still have another year to hopefully get to live the full college life once again, but for many people graduating this was their last chance to embrace college to its fullest. Who knows what’s going to happen for the rest of this year and if things will slowly begin to go back to normal. We’re living with so much unknown right now, that it’s hard to even focus on school and other normal college things. 


College won’t be the same this year that’s for sure. Hopefully, things start to improve so we can get our full college experience!

Will you also miss any of these things this fall? Let us know in the comments below!

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