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13 Things I Don’t Tell My Mom Nearly As Often As I Should

13 Things I Don’t Tell My Mom Nearly As Often As I Should

These are some of the things I don't tell my mom often, even though I probably should. Our mothers are always there, so we should let them know our love!

Adulthood is no joke and the only person that warned me growing up was my mom. No one warned her while growing up. If you ask my mom what she was doing at 24, she’d probably tell you some silly baby story about my 5-year-old self. What I’ve accomplished doesn’t measure up to what my mom has and through that, I’ve realized the importance in making her feel special. Though she’s a call away, I find that it’s not the same as it was coming home from school and automatically yelling “mom?” with the comfort knowing she’s home. As we wrap up the spring semester and prep for long summer days, I remind myself that life is tough but my mom never lets me forget that I’m tougher. So here’s the things I don’t tell my mom as often as I should.

1) You are right

I won’t admit about what exactly (Lemon really does clean wooden tables better is one of the few) but you are right, mom.

2) Let’s grab lunch

Let’s skip the usual weekend routines of me visiting and let’s go to lunch. Even though I rather eat your cooking, this is my treat.

3) I miss you

Though I don’t tell you enough, I miss you every day. I miss watching soap operas snacking on your favorite sunflower seeds with you at 9 p.m., stress-free. 

4)  You can talk to me

Maybe you think it’ll worry me, but I actually worry when you don’t show you’re ok. As a daughter and friend, I won’t judge or belittle. You can always talk to me.

5) You’re strong

If there’s one thing that’s taught me I can do anything on my own, it’s your strength; mentally and physically.

6) I admire you

Between your hours at work and busy agenda in keeping the house in order, how do you get it all done in one day?

7) I’m always here when you need me

Self-explanatory. Don’t ever think for a second you can’t count on me!

8) I miss your cooking

My burnt garbanzos just aren’t the same!

9) You can do anything you want in life

You’ve accomplished so much and I believe you still have so much left to do. In the case that no one has told you lately, the sky is the limit.

See Also
There are a few things you are thinking, but may not always say to your mom. So moms, these are a few key points your daughter wants you to know.

10) You’re pretty

Your skin is still as clear as day! Teach me your ways!

11) I love your style

You never need a guide of what’s in trend. You go with the flow for an impeccable style.

12) You’re intelligent

I’m surprised you don’t have your own Youtube channel with all your hacks and organization skills. I know this is one of the things I don’t tell my mom as much as I should.

13) Thank you.

Whether it be for teaching me the proper way to fold an underwear or for the new towels, thank you for all that you do and for all that you are.

These are some of the things I don’t tell my mom. What are some of the things you don’t tell yours?
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