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10 Things I Didn’t Know About Being A Penn State Student

10 Things I Didn’t Know About Being A Penn State Student

10 Things I Didn’t Know About Being A Penn State Student

Around this time of the year when I was a high school senior, I debating which college I would commit the best years of my life too. When I got my letter to Penn State I danced in the street in the snow out of pure excitement. Now it is 4 years later and Penn State has been much different than I imagined it would be. There are so many things I didn’t know about being a Penn State student. Here is what I’ve learned in State College; before you assume you know Penn State from the campus visits that are spoon fed to you by lion ambassadors.

1. State College is it’s own central PA bubble and nothing else exists.

My mom always made jokes about me drinking the “blue juice” at my new student orientation. This was the day she claims I got initiated into the Penn State lifestyle. You will never meet a group of people with more pride in one town. It’s thrilling to be around a group of people that have the same goals and school pride as you.

2.  You’re not just 1 in 40,000.

When I was a freshman I thought I would feel lost since there are over 40,000 students on this giant campus. Don’t be afraid of the numbers at Penn State. You will find friends in the most unlikely of places. Don’t laugh when people tell you to get lunch with your dorm floor or when they tell you to join as many clubs as you want. These people could become your friends for many years in the future.



3. Embrace East Halls while it lasts.

East Halls is the notorious freshman dorm. The buildings are old and falling apart, but they are home. You will create the some of the best memories of your college career in these halls so enjoy them and don’t take your life as a freshman too seriously. It isn’t as bad as you think it is and one day you’ll blink your eyes and it will be over. 

4. Penn State Football is a way of life (even if you hate football).

Home game Saturdays are some of the biggest events of the year. This is the only time you will find college students waking up at 8 am to daylong before a 3:30 pm kickoff. These games are a weekly ritual that become part of your routine even for the students who only go for the chicken baskets when the hangover starts to set in a halftime. Even if you hate football get the season tickets. Its an experience like no other and you’ll quickly learn that Penn State students will do anything for Football.


5. There is more to Penn State than THON.

The Penn State Dance marathon (THON) is one of the most widely recognized events in the tri-state area. You can’t walk a block in the town of State College without seeing multiple signs about events benefiting THON. It will blow up your social media and it will become an obsession. DON’T LET IT. There is more to Penn State than getting on a DR committee and there are many other ways to give back to the world. As much as you might think, your committee does not define you. Be an individual and remember that you are in college to open your eyes to a wide variety of new experiences. 

6. Greek life doesn’t have to be a cliche.

I was the freshman that waited to rush a sorority because I didn’t want to be “that girl”. This was my biggest regret in college. As a junior I found my home in a service sorority here at Penn State. I never thought I wanted to be in a Greek organization but I couldn’t imagine my life without the family I have made the past 2 years. Don’t be afraid to branch out and find your place in unexpected experiences.



7. You will tell stories about Beaver Canyon forever.

This iconic area of Beaver Ave will be the setting of stories of rally in the valley, and riots. IT will be where students flood the streets when our Nittany Lions bring home legendary wins. You will party in the street with 10,000 of your closest friends who all take pride in the same school. If there is a rumor that there is a riot at beaver canyon….. Go.

See Also
Overwhelmed by the thought of recruitment? Here's some advice from UF sorority women on what you should know going into the crazy week.

8. Beware the freshman 15!

Ask anyone where to get the best drunk fix and they will point you in the direction of Gumby’s on Pugh. This pesky devil will be reason you gain the freshman 15. Pokey Sticks are a take on cheesy bread and are a gift from the gods. They’re great for study food, and drunk food. Pokey Stix are a Penn State staple so beware but of the oozy wonderfulness that arrives at your doorstep at 2 am on Saturday mornings.


9. People will criticize your life and it’s okay.

Everyone will have an opinion of you based on your school choices. It is no secret that Penn State has had it’s share of scandals in the past 10 years. Make the decision to go to Penn State for yourself and don’t let others change your mind. You will have an amazing experience and you will meet thousands of unique people along the way. Choose Penn State because it’s where you belong and don’t let the people who don’t understand the Nittany Lion way get you down.

10. WE ARE… yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever.

Penn State and I have had ups and downs. We have fought, and we have cried. We have stressed and we have laughed. In the end I wouldn’t have rather been anywhere else for the past four years. In three months I will graduate from this institution with the best memories I could’ve asked for. I hope you will one day love it as much as I do. Looking back I understand how wonderful it is to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. 


I hope you learned some great tips from the things I didn’t know about being a Penn State student!
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