The 10 Things Girls Are Really Looking For In A Relationship

When it comes to relationships, it may seem like us ladies have this HUGE list of little things we expect to have. While some may be pickier than others, I think that there are only a few main requests that pretty much every girl with some standards would want from a man. Here are the 10 essential things that girls are really looking for in a relationship.
1. Compromise
One of the basic things that should be present in a healthy relationship is a compromise. You and your guy should be a team! This means being considerate of what the other person wants and feels. It is very easy to be selfish and look at issues from one point of view (aka yours), but try putting yourself in their shoes as well and it will go a long way with being fair with one another when it comes to decisions.
2. Selflessness
Another big thing that makes a good relationship is selflessness. Love in itself should be selfless and taking the other person and their needs into consideration. It shouldn’t always be about me, myself, and I! The whole point of a relationship is to provide for the other person; what I mean by this is giving your time, love, and putting their desires before yours! Just make sure it isn’t one-sided!
3. Honesty
Honesty is the best policy. Always. No matter what the issue is, I think that all people appreciate the truth over a lie any day. Even the worst of situations (like cheating) are best handled by telling the truth! Just don’t be a lying sleaze; it never ends well!
4. Being Put First
This one is tricky and depends on the situation, but I think that most girls would want their guy to put them first over everyone else, especially if the relationship is serious. It makes perfect sense for a guy to put his friends and family first over a girlfriend in the early stages of a relationship, but it can get really hard later on when things start heading towards something more long term… like marriage. It is a good test for both people in terms of how far they are willing to sacrifice; hence where the whole compromise thing comes into play. This always depends on the situation and person but when it comes to choosing a girlfriend and just a girl FRIEND for example…I think the answer should be obvious.
5. Trust
Another BIG request I think that most people would appreciate in a relationship is trust! No one wants to be paranoid about the other person doing some shady business behind their backs! All strong relationships are built on trust; so just don’t give the other person a reason to think otherwise!
6. Passion and Romance
This is absolutely a must-have for a successful relationship! It is very, very important for passion and romance to exist when dating otherwise how does one make it work?! While it may be “out of style” for some nowadays, romance should very much be present in a good relationship. Take your girl on dates, keep that fire alive, and just make your girl always feel special and loved so that those butterflies never go away.
7. Reliability and Effort
One thing I think that ruins a lot of relationships are flakes and unreliable people. The whole point of dating is to find that one person you can always count on during the good but ESPECIALLY the bad. When things get rough, it is soooo easy to walk away. When things get comfortable and routine, it is easy to stop trying. All a girl wants is the same effort that was put in at the beginning of a relationship. If it is worth it, then show it.
8. Fun
A relationship shouldn’t be a prison! It should be full of adventures and lots of fun! You should be best friends with your significant other and not want to ever leave each other’s side! If it feels like a drag without any emotional connection, then you should probably be with someone else.
9. Respect
R E S P E C T…you know how it goes. This is absolutely huge in any relationship and is one of the main foundations. Just treat your girl with respect; be kind, don’t call her names, don’t be physically or emotionally abusive and respect her family and friends!
10. Unconditional Love
Last but not least, I think that most ladies in the end just want endless, unconditional love from their guy. What does that mean? It is love without any expectations, conditions, manipulation, etc. It is love during the good, but especially the difficult times and never on an “I will love you only if…” basis. When you’re with the right person, it should be forever and always no matter what.