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10 Things FIT Students Always Asks Themselves

10 Things FIT Students Always Asks Themselves

FIT students are the best: we're fashionable, funny and talented. Being in NYC at FIT has us running wild! Here are 10 things us FIT students ask ourselves.

FIT students often lead busy lives… Internship? Retail job? Night classes? All of the above?  You bet. We’re all busy bees, and there are small parts of our day on campus where we just think, is this a joke?

1. Will these escalators EVER work?

You’ll be running to class on the moving escalators, and in-between flights one of the escalators just won’t be working (or all).

2. Did that guy just look at me?

No hun, he’s peeping at the boy behind you. Finding love here is rare, keep dreaming.


3. Is she really wearing that?

It’s flash flooding, and the girl in front of you is in stilettos. Seems pretty practical.

4. Can the elevator be any slower?

It’s not possible, nor does it even come half the time. Stick to running up the broken escalators.

5. Please let there be an outlet in my classroom.

If that laptop dies, be prepared to feel as if you’re watching paint dry for three hours in your economics lecture.


6. How does the kid in front of me have an internship at Gucci during their second semester, when I can’t land a sales job at H&M?

Seriously, how did they do that..?

7. Does anyone else not get sleep either?

Or is it just me?

See Also
Want to escape the dining halls and try something new? Keep reading for the all of the best places to grab a bite around Rutgers!


8. Why did the freshmen have to discover the dining hall Starbucks?

Because the line just needed to be longer, and more obnoxious to get a coffee. Pro tip: go at random times during the day to actually get in and out of there.

9. How do people carry around triple their body weight in supplies?

Also, how much thread does one need? Geez.

10. Is anyone else getting 1.5 million Blackboard notifications a day?

Helpful, but come on..just a bit excessive. We are superheroes working full-time jobs and taking 18 credits, we can manage, Blackboard.

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