10 Things Every Vanderbilt Student Can Relate To

Vanderbilt student life can be a tough one. “Work hard play hard” is not just a catchy motto for us students here at Vanderbilt University- it’s a lifestyle. You worked your ass off all throughout high school to get here and whether it’s all it has cracked up to be for you or not, there are a few things that students of “the Harvard of the South” can relate to:
1. “You must be so smart”
I don’t like to brag but… I mean… yeah. That’s kinda why I’m here (you said it, not me). Honestly, we didn’t bust our ass in high school for nothing.
2. Loading more Comm Cash when you’re broke
Just because it doesn’t count as real money (until your parents are hit with a bill for an extra $1500 at the end of the semester).
3. Wanting to date a Belmont student in order to escape the “vanderbubble”
Let’s be honest, we’ve all been wanting to snag an artsy Belmont student who will take us to house shows and have spring photo shoots under their beautiful, pink, flowery trees.
4. Going out more days than you stay in
With things going on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, staying in is virtually unheard of.
5. Grade deflation
It is simply a fact that a 2.8 GPA at Vanderbilt would be equivalent to a 4.0 literally anywhere else. Extra points if you’re Vandy premed or engineering.
6. “Oh my god, let’s get lunch”
If you have ever said this to anyone that you’ve seen out at bars or frat parties while you’re drunk, just know that you’re fake af.
7. Starting Pre-Med and leaving HOD
Did you know that approximately 2/3 of every Vanderbilt incoming freshman class starts out as premed and approximately 3 people graduate premed? It’s time to be realistic with yourself, you’re not going to turn that gen chem grade around.
8. Everyone wants to be a consultant
If you go to Vanderbilt, you are unfortunately familiar with the weird culture around consulting. Every business professor- former consultant, every Econ major- wannabe consultant, every AKPsi- wannabe consultant, every~one~- wannabe consultant.
9. Tailgating at Wesley and never actually making it to the game
At any given Vandy football game, 80% of the audience will likely be comprised of the opposing team. “Why?”, you may ask. Because we were probably too drunk to show up (or probably still partying).
10. School never being the same after freshman year
The “first-year experience fee” isn’t to be taken likely. After leaving commons, housing, food, treatment, and just general life quality is all downhill.