Why you’re going to school in western Wisconsin is a question in itself. However, there are many more questions that you’ll come to ask yourself while attending University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.
Any day the Chancellor is out and about on campus, you’re bound to see pictures of him. Students will literally do anything just to take a picture with him or get him to re-tweet something. I’ve even heard him called “daddy” on multiple occasions. Cringe.
There is constant construction. Whether it be for housing, parking, or a new sidewalk, there is always something going on. Anyone living in Towers gets the additional struggle of being woken in the early A.M. to the sound of Towers south construction. Sorry folks.
No. The answer is almost always no. Unless it’s after 6 p.m. on a Tuesday and you’re really craving some mac-n-cheese pizza.
Climbing up the hill after a long day of classes is rough, whether you are in shape or not. Whose clever idea was it to split up the University of Wisconsin campus with something so dreadful anyway?
Water Street, as well as several blocks down from it, are all well known for housing college students and parties. Cops also seem to realize this and bust underage drinkers very fast.
About 3 months out of the school year, there is no snow on the ground. It is a beautiful time and you can spend it walking all around the beautiful downtown area until it snows, it’s 20 degrees below zero, and the wind is blowing off the river. Are you sure we are still in Wisconsin and not Alaska or something?
Walking across the beautiful, but freezing, bridge over the Chippewa River is a University of Wisconsin experience all on its own. Living off campus? Bridge face. Class in Haas? Bridge face. Wanna walk anywhere downtown? Bridge face.
If you go into Davies around 7 p.m., you’ll find a spot. Go anytime between 10-3 and there is not one spot. Not on first floor, second floor, or even in The Cabin. If you do see a spot, good luck getting to it without pushing over someone already seated.
We are proud to consider ourselves Blugolds, but what does that even mean? It’s a combination of our two school colors, but our mascot is a blue bird. Does anyone actually know, is it a real thing?
I am one of the people that goes to football games and leaves just after halftime. It’s amazing to watch and listen to, so it’s a win-win. Carson Park is nearly empty just after their performances, unfortunately.
There are so many different questions that you ask yourself as a Blugold at the University of Wisconsin, but one of them will always be, do I really have to leave this amazing campus someday? Heartbreaking thoughts.
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