10 Things Every UCLA Student Asks Themselves

UCLA students know there are certain things we constantly question ourselves during our time here. Rather, if you are a freshman or a senior, there are certain questions that have remained about this campus and who knows if we ever will get an answer. Keep reading for 10 things every UCLA student asks themselves on a regular basis.

1. Why the hills?

What did I do to deserve this?

2. Was that building always there?

Is that where my tuition money is going?

3. Should I change my major?


4. How do I avoid Bruinwalk?

Avoid eye contact. Look mean.

5. How the hell do I get to MS3974?

Why is the first floor not the first floor?

6. Should I go to class?

Or should I just stay in bed?


See Also

7. Is PAB Physics & Astronomy or Public Affairs?

MS as in Math Sciences or Mol Sci?

8. What am I supposed to eat without a meal plan?

I need lowerclassmen friends.

9. Why did I take Lavelle?

Where was Scerri when I needed him?

10. I have to go all the way to Broad?!


Featured photo source: storify.com and woodlandhillsinn.com
Alexandria Lee

Fourth Year Biology Major at UCLA who loves all things brunch, coffee, and clothes!

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