10 Things Every San Diego State University Student Asks Themselves

San Diego State University is home to students from many different backgrounds and ethnicities, all with interests in various things. However, there are a few things that all of us have in common. Here are 10 things every San Diego State University student asks themselves.
1. What happened to Bruxie?
There was no better way to start (or end) your day, than with a chicken and waffle sandwich from Bruxie. However, after returning from 2016 summer break, Bruxie had disappeared! The restaurant space is now occupied by a Pho place, and we are left to wonder what happened to our beloved Bruxie.
2. Why isn’t Chipotle on meal plan?
As a freshman at SDSU, seeing all the delicious restaurants on campus was super exciting. Starbucks accepts meal plan? Score! And Chipotle? It doesn’t get much better than that…until you handed them your RedId to pay and were turned down. Now that I don’t have meal plan though, I’m low key glad they don’t it because the line is already out the door as is.
3. Why is Cuic called the Garden?
Cuic’s dining hall was the place to be whether it was to grab an omelette for breakfast, or to hit the all you can eat pizza for dinner. When the name was changed to “The Garden” a wave of confusion washed over the entire SDSU campus. The same food is served, but in an attempt to portray a more healthy image is renamed to The Garden. Cuic will forever be in my heart.
4. How far away can I Course Key in to class?
The dreaded Course Key! Teachers think they’ve got us on lock to come to class by making us check in to Course Key for attendance, but don’t realize how wide of a radius the GPS for the app works. So until Course Key narrows down the range, we can stay checking in to class from our poolside tanning sesh.
5. Why are all my classes full?
You’re required to take Econ 101, but the class is completely full and has a waitlist of 72 people by the time you have registration. What’s up with that? Explains why the average graduate takes 5 years of school rather than the typical 4.
6. Are the PowerPoints on Blackboard?
There are two main questions that you ask yourself when deciding whether or not to go to class; does the teacher take attendance, and does the teacher post the PowerPoints on Blackboard? If your teacher does post their PowerPoints (even though you know you’ll be too lazy to view them yourself), then the likelihood of you making it to class decreases exponentially.
7. Why am I getting drunk on Wednesday?
You’ve finished all your homework (for the most part), but the night is still young. What else is their to do than to have a Wine Wednesday with the girls? It’s a great way to rest and relax on good ol’ Hump Day.
8. Why am I not getting drunk on Thursday?
We all know that the weekend is kicked off Thursday night, so sobriety is not to be expected. This is why it is important not to go too hard on Wine Wednesday, pacing yourself is key to making it through the weekend.
9. What is really in the frat shots?
Looks like fruit punch, tastes like cough syrup, what is really in these little plastic cups? Whatever it is, it’s sure to make the hot and sweaty environment and screaming sorority girls a lot more bearable.
10. How did I get so lucky?
San Diego State University is by far one of the most lit schools out there. Only a short drive to the beach, sunny weather daily, and parties every night. I wake up every day asking myself how I got so lucky to go to such an amazing school.
What are some other things every San Diego State University student asks themselves? Comment below!
Featured photo source: ieweekly.com and goutaste.com
SDSU student with the insider scoop.