10 Things Every Marist Student Asks Themselves

There are so many things every Marist student asks themselves on a daily basis. From life choices, to academics, whether it’s your freshman year or your senior year, you’ll be sure to ask yourself these questions at one point, if you haven’t already.
1. How are the chicken quesadillas at the cab so much better than the ones I make at home? Is it the seasoning?
2. Is the security swipe test really necessary?
What if I can get in after four swipes? Will an ambulance still be called?
3. Is anyone else bothered that the bathroom is always cleaned at the most inopportune times?
Brushing my teeth a floor below before my 8am can get a little irritating.
4. Why must upperclassmen honk their horns every time they pass Leo?
And is the screaming “f**ck you freshmen” really needed?
5. On the subject of noise, can the train be any louder in the middle of the night and early morning?
It’s sad though, because I am actually kind of immune to it now.
6. When is chicken nugget day in the dining hall?
Is it every week? every two weeks? Or is it just sporadic? I want a designated nugget day, because I get so disappointed when the day I think it will be rolls around, and they aren’t there.
7. Why are there only three bars for freshmen?
We should have more variety, because it gets tiring.
8. Why do people keep burning popcorn in the freshmen dorms to point where we have to evacuate the building?
Can you please learn to use the microwave, thanks.
9. Why can’t there be weekly city trips sponsored by Marist?
I love the city trips, there should be more. Paying for the train gets expensive.
10. Why is the walk to a cab at Donnelly in the winter so cold and excruciating?
Are there any other things every Marist student asks themselves? Comment below!
Featured photo source: instagram.com and becomingaballfox.wordpress.com

Long Island girl sailing through life on her boat, who appreciates paninis from La Bottega, sunflowers, Starbucks, the beach and her loved ones.