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10 Things Every Drexel University Student Asks Themselves

10 Things Every Drexel University Student Asks Themselves

If you're a Drexel University student, then you understand what the day to day campus life is at Drexel. Here's what you probably ask yourself walking to class everyday.

Every college has there flaws, including Drexel. If you’re a Drexel University student and are looking for some relatable humor, then these are things you probably ask yourself everyday walking though DU’s campus.

1) Why is the Hans only open during the week?

We’ve all wondered it. How can half our dining options disappear 2/7 days of the week. The days when we have the most time to eat. Our cheat days, we can’t even go to the one dining all that offers dessert. At least, it’s open for breakfast now though.

2) Why does getting pizza at urban take so long?

I swear I’ve waited an hour for it before. enough said.


3) How is it that one elevator is always broken?

Whenever you’re in a rush you can expect this. Right up there with people getting on the elevator at each floor when your in a hurry to get downstairs. Or the worst: those who get off at floor two, when your on your way up.

4) Can Northsides Chik fil A at least sell fries on Sunday?

I know this is corporate policy but please?

5) How is it legal to charge this much for an access code?

You open your syllabus, see the amount of books the course requires, and imediately start brainstorming ways to avoid paying for them all full price. Renting, borrowing a friend’s, even eBay. Then you see it: access code required. You instantly know your options for saving money become limited. Now you need to find an unused version, causing you physical pain because you know Chesnut ST. Barnes and Nobles will show no mercy to your bank account.


6) How is it already midterms?

10 weeks is quick as it is. But when your first midterm comes around in week three or four and your friends at other schools are still celebrating syllabus week, you can’t help but wonder this. How could we have learned enough for this already?

7)What is Squash?

One of the most popular past times for a Drexel University student is squash. Most students know it loosely resembles tennis, if tennis was a one player game. Other than that, we’re all pretty much wondering the same thing.

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8) How is it already time to start preparing for Co-op?

Crazy to think it’s time already. On top of an already crazy amount of credits, time to start researching employers, resume preparations, and applications. And of course- the inevitable interview process. Still one of the best things about this school, all stress aside.

9) Why is Northside so expensive?

If you want to pay double the price for sub par fruit, Northside is the place. There’s definitely a limited amount of places dining dollars can be used, and Northside is almost everyone’s go to, even if it does not offer most bang for buck. locked into our meal plans, they have an almost monopoly on our (dining) dollars.

10) Is the quarter system actually worth it??

Giving up being home in the summer is tough. having ten weeks to complete a course is also tough. Seems things never slow down around here, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. However, deep breaths  and red bull seem to help.


As a Drexel University student, do you agree with these points? Let us know in the comment section below!

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