10 Things Every Dad Should Teach His Daughter Before College

May 9, 2017

Along with the millions of other need-to-knows before leaving for college, there are other important things to know and remember, as well, that every girl should carry with her throughout college. Things that a dad or father figure should teach his daughter. Below are 10 things every dad should teach his daughter before she goes to college!
1. How to correctly change a tire.
2. How to defend yourself in times of danger.
3. How to be treated by a man.
4. How to budget your money.
5. How to be independent.
6. How to always be aware of your surroundings.
7. How to know when to say “no.”
8. That beauty is important inside and out.
9. “Your body is a temple.”
10. Girls can do anything boys can do.
Dads are here not only for funding and bailing us out of our messes. They’re here for guidance and molding us to be the independent women we strive to be in the future!
Can you think of any more things every dad should teach his daughter before she heads off to college? Let us know in the comments!
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
Featured Image Source: tumblr.com

Jaraya Johnson
Mass Communications major with a dream to follow.